Exercise 159.. Exercise 160.Exercise 159. Translate into English. 1. Боюсь, к тому времени, когда вы придете с деньгами, они уже все распродадут. 2. Позвоните мне после того, как вы прочитаете книгу. 3. Мы сделаем все упражнения к его приходу, а затем все вместе поедем на каток (skating rink). 4. Я напишу ему после того, как увижусь с его родителями. 5. Наш завод выпустит (produce) новый автомобиль к концу года. б. Не знаю, напишет ли он статью к первому сентября. Если она будет готова к этому времени, мы ее напечатаем. 7. Я уже уйду в театр, если вы придете так поздно. 8. Боюсь, вы опоздаете. Они уже закончат переговоры (talks) к 5 часам. 9. К сожалению, вы его не застанете. К этому времени он уже уедет на вокзал. 10. К воскресенью они закончат ремонт (repairs) и переедут на новую квартиру.
Exercise 160. Open the brackets and use the Future Perfect Continuous Tense. 1. They already (rehearse) for an hour when we come. 2.1 (work) in this company for 10 years next April. 3. By next year he (writing) the novel for three years. 4. The thieves are sure that they (drive) for 6 hours when the police discover the robbery in the morning. 5. They (study) for 3 hours when you come.
Exercise 161. Find and correct the mistakes if any (pay attention to the use of tenses). 1. After graduating from the institute I came to St. Petersburg. I am working here since then. 2.1 have just left the house when you phoned me. 3. By the time I came to the country cottage my friends have already left. 4. When I came, my friend was sitting on the sofa and was reading a newspaper. 5. It has rained since morning and I am afraid, it won't stop by Saturday. 6. He will work at his new book during his holiday. 7. The woman who speaks with my sister is my neighbour who is living opposite us. 8. They were looking for the money since morning but they couldn't find it anywhere. 9. Yesterday when I came to see my friend he was having supper. He has just come home. 10. After he has finished the picture he will invite his friends to look at it.