The cardiovascular systemСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ The cardiovascular system Task 1. Look through the following words. Do they sound familiar to you? Find the Russian equivalents for the English words. Check the English words pronunciation. 1. atrium a) желудочек 2. ventricle b) предсердие 3. nutrients c) холестериновая бляшка 4. valve d) питательные вещества 5. leaflet e) предсердно- желудочковый узел 6. tricuspid valve f) клапан 7. cholesterol plaque g) створка (клапана сердца) 8. sinoatrial node h) трехстворчатый клапан 9. atrioventricular node i) ножка пучка Гиса 10. bundle branches g) синусно-предсердный узел Your answer:
Task 2. Give translations to the following words and expressions.
Task 3. Watch the video posted on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28CYhgjrBLA and say what it is about. Choose the right statements. Underline them. The video is about: 1 Heart anatomy 2 Human circulatory system 3 Blood and blood vessels 4 Heart work 5 Organs of the circulatory system 6 Lungs 7 Heart valves work 8 Location of the human heart 9 Coronary artery disease 10 Heart electrical system Task 4. Now watch the video once more and fill in the gaps with the missing words. The human heart is the most important (1)_____ in the body. The human heart is made of four major (2)______. The blood is (3)_____ through the body. It delivers (4)______ and (5) ______ to tissues through capillaries. The heart has (6)_____valves. The valves are made of two or three small but strong flaps of tissue called (7)_______ . The tricuspid valve is positioned in the heart (8)______ side. The mitral valve is positioned in the heart (9)_____ side. Coronary artery disease occurs when there is built up a (10)_____or a (11). The beating of the heart which is its (12)_____ is regulated by electrical impulses. Task 5. Using the information from the previous text about the cardiovascular system, the video and the current text given below, answer the following questions: 1. What is the size of your heart? 2. How many major chambers are there in the heart? 3. What are the major chambers of the heart? 4. What is the function of the valves? 5. What can influence the heartbeat?