References ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 References Тодоров, Г. (2005). Изкуствен интелект. Фабер: Велико Търново. Jelen, B. (2010). Microsoft Excel 2010. London: Depth. Microsoft Press. Murray, K. (2010). Microsoft Office 2010 Plain & Simple. London: Microsoft Press. Shane, S., Venkataraman, S. (2000). The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research. Academy of Management Review, 25(1), 217-226. Szabó, I. (2010). Európai válaszok a foglalkoztatáspolitikai kihívásokra 2 (European answers to the challenges of employment policy 2), In: Liga Harsona, 13(2), 7-9. Thurrott, P., & Rivera, R. (2009). Windows 7 Secrets. Budapest: Wiley Publishing Inc. Not included in the three pages Contact information: § Name and surname: § University: § Department: § Major (Specialty): § University Address: § E-mail: § Phone: