Business start-up. LetterBusiness start-up Letter Dear Koogle Inc., I am writing to you with a business investment opportunity which I feel sure will be of interest. I am a qualified software developer and experienced specialist in the field of programming who has developed a concept which will revolutionise the sphere of social networks and modern media. This innovation has consisted of research in which I concluded that it would be useful to create a social network/web search engine called «MeCulture» where people will be able to search for elements of a cultural information using written description as well as communicate on related topics. In this belief, I, with the group of professionals (such as designers, engineers and others) have dedicated the past few months to the programming of a prototype of “MeCulture”. Later we have shown our cite to the members of state government responsible for mass media. Their interest demonstrated the project’s enormous potential. Having proved that this social network/web search engine will be in demand, my ambition is now to bring it to the world social media. However, I recognise that doing so will require the financial backing of an organisation such as yours, which shares my vision and enthusiasm. I believe that your financial knowledge, combined with my keen understanding of the Internet and programming could bring this dream to fruition. Enclosed is a preliminary business plan for your consideration. I would welcome the opportunity to see you in person and discuss my plans and requirements in further detail. In the meantime, I trust that you will respect the confidentiality of all aspects of our discussion. Yours sincerely, Dr. Adele Palmer