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Should university students be required to attend classes?
Sometimes I feel that studying alone seem to be more effective than attending the classes, especially, when I have a strong interest in a certain subject. However, I disagree with the point of view that the classes should be optional for university students, because the function of the classes is never replaced by studying alone.
Today, most of university teachers are complete masters of the subjects that they teach. It seems also that presenting a monologue is not as effective as getting the students involved in teaching by having an interactive environment in which students can think and present their thoughts without fear or disgrace. So the classes are moving to having flat and interactive conditions. So, I do not think it would be a good idea to ignore these optimal situations for learning, in favor of loneliness for having better focus on the teaching materials or relative reading.
The main reason for my view is that we cannot learn all knowledge gained from the classes by learning the textbook alone. Since the professor had studied his subject for many years and had spent much times to prepare the class. There must be some knowledge that are distinctive and cannot be gained from the textbook. Furthermore, the professor knew which knowledge was very important, which can be skipped, and carefully arranged the schedule. Studying as the schedule should be more effective.
Another reason for my view is that we not only can learn some knowledge in the classes but also learn the team spirit, the discipline and routine. In the classes, we often discuss with other students, sometimes we even cooperate with others to accomplish a project. So we have to learn to get along with others and train our team spirit. Regular attending the classes also can let us used to routine and obey the discipline. All these characters are very important for our coming jobs.
Finally, students who participate in classes can exchange their idea and knowledge with other friends. For example, while I attended classes, teachers always asked me and my classmates to express our own idea in some particular topics. Moreover, teachers also asked us to work in group which we can learn about teamwork. Students who study alone at their home or library may not be able to exchange and share their idea with others. Therefore, even though not attending classes can probably give students as much knowledge as they do while joining in classes, they may not be able to express and show their thought process as good as students who attend classes do.
So based on all these reasons and examples, I think university students should attend the classes and that cannot be optional.
Though attending classes is the basic way by which students learn their subjects, more options is good or even better for studying. As a result, I consider that going to classes should be optional for students.