Grenouer. Katalepsy. Psilocybe Larvae. Slaughter To Prevail. Tears Mankind. Luna Aeterna. КоловратGrenouer Katalepsy Psilocybe Larvae Slaughter To Prevail Tears Mankind Luna Aeterna Коловрат Коррозия Металла Кувалда Черный Обелиск Мастер Xentrix Annihilator Warbringer Dark Angel Funeral Crowbar Primordial Napalm Death Deathrow Vendetta Pentagram Saint Vitus Trouble Candlemass Count Raven Sunn O))) Evile Vio-Lence Immortal Watchtower VoodooCult Nuclear Assault Mayhem Obscura Tankard Bathory Suicidal Angels Artillery Burzum Tiamat Type O Negative Theatre Of Tragedy Lacrimosa Lacuna Coil Dust Bolt Holy Moses Celtic Frost Municipal Waste Exhorder Brutal Truth Agoraphobic Nosebleed Pig Destroyer Cattle Decapitation Misery Index Toxic Holocaust Arch Enemy Flotsam And Jetsam Marduk Lost Society Cannibal Corpse The Berzerker Body Hammer Gigantic Brain Genghis Tron Enemy Soil The Locust Forbidden Nailbomb Autokrator Meathook Seed Mysticum Dødheimsgard
Belphegor Thorns Blut Aus Nord Blacklodge A.N.I.M.A.L Ill Nino Nonpoint Soulfly Akercocke Dissection Sacramentum Dark Funeral Crisix Death Leper Fauna Storm Of Sedition Iskra Puna Terrori Skagos Wolves In The Throne Room Not A Cost Black Kronstadt Crepehanger Mutiny Vidargangr Demonaz Hellward Running Wild Ondskapt Nervosa Carach Angren Dimmu Borgir Ludor Sludge Belphegor Gama Bomb Possessed Whiplash Behemoth Angelus Apatrida Pestilence Living Death Ragnarok Violator Ex Deo Necronomicon Septicflesh Fleshgod Apocalyrse Haggard Moonsorrow Gorefest Helltrain Deuteronomium Soilwork Nocturnus Origin Cephalic Carnage Necrodeath Dissection At The Gates Goretrade Skeletonwitch Mekong Delta Dying Fetus Dr. Living Dead! Mandator Darkthrone Revocation Deicide Sarcofago Abrumptum Night In Gales Vorbid Massacre MD.45 Satyricon Lich King Protector Taake Lazarus A.D. Hyubris Moonspell Ava Inferi Holocausto Canibal Painstruck Sacred Sin Misery Index Bullet For My Valentine Suicide Silence Megaherz Isis Cult Of Luna Pelican Helloween Dream Theater Mastodon Gojira Meshuggah Nightwish Exhorder Lamb Of God Machine Head Six Feet Under Bulldozer Watain Bathory Hellhammer Darkthrone Belphegor Akercocke Pagan Altar Witchfinder General Dream Death My Dying Bride Anathema Paradise Lost Dissection Heidevolk Sylvatica Stone Of Erech Golgotha Skyclad Cruachan Subway To Sally Finntroll Ensiferum Korpiklaani Turisas Moonsorrow Cruachan Primordial Waylander Running Wild Alestorm Swashbuckle Lagerstein In The Woods… Kampfar Sacramentum Mournful Congregation Esoteric Evoken Funeral Thergothon Skepticism Corrupted Dragonforce Masterplan Stratovarius Blind Guardian Sonata Arctica Angra Sabaton Kamelot Rhapsody Of Fire Powerwolf HammerFall Queensryche Primal Fear Fates Warning Pain Of Salvation Born Of Osiris Star One Periphery Eyehategod Buzzoven Acid Bath Kyuss Sleep Acid King Electric Wizard Within Temptation Animals As Leaders Tesseract Textures Epica Corrosion Of Conformity Dirty Rotten Imbeciles Stormtroopers Of Death DevilDriver Pelican Godslave Concrete Age Paradox Carparthian Forest Power Trip Vader Iced Earth Nasty Savage Summoning Ultra Violence Obituary Control Denied Demolition Hammer Ceremented Necromantia Megachurch Thecodontion Om Skulled Toxic Waltz Batushka Heathen Warpath Limbonic Art Hazzerd Evil Invaders Evildead Mork Gryning Dark Fortress Asphyx Inquisition Hatchet Morbid Angel Eradicator Benediction Bolt Thrower Nargaroth Game Over Macabre Assassin Ancient Thrash Or Die Immolation Fleshgod Apocalypse Septicflesh Sacred Reich Lifelover Zarathustra (Germany) Detrimentum