Ijazah Course. The Ten Qirat. Pillars of Islam and Belief System ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Ijazah Course Then there is the Ijazah course that prepares you to become a teacher of the Quran yourself. Ijazah translates to diploma or certificate and you will get a certificate when you complete this course. The Ijazah course requires that you recite the whole Quran by heart to your mentor/scholar. When the scholar is satisfied with your performance, you are given the certificate. The Ten Qirat There are 10 recognized Quran recitation methods. These methods are called the 10 Qirats. Classes on these Qirat, which are based on the recitation of 10 Qaris are available on the platform. The 10 Qirat is divided into 2 depending on the independence of the chain of transmission. The Qirat are either Mashhur Qirat or Mutawatir Qirat. There are 3 Mashhur Qirat and & Mutawatir Qirat. Each one of them is taught in detail in the Qirat class. Pillars of Islam and Belief System The belief system of Islam is guided by the pillars of Islam. Iman – to be a Muslim, you have to declare your faith in Allah. Solah – you are obligated to perform the 5 daily solawat when you accept Islam. Sawm –every Muslim must fast in the month of Ramadan except they fall under the category of those exempted. Zakah – Muslims who have earned a certain amount of money over a while must give a prescribed part of it as a charity. Hajj – Muslims who can afford the holy pilgrimage must embark on it. These aforementioned briefly talks about the essence of the 5 pillars of Islam in the belief system. But there is more to them and this class discusses more them. To be without knowledge is to be in the dark. We worship Allah who is An-Nur (the light) and to be in the dark or remain in the dark while worshipping him is quite ironic. Taking online Quran classes might just be your first step into the light. For More Information www.TarteeleQuran.Com