


Случайная статья



ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующим термином из списка:

digitization inventors browser application programs
development processing provides  
device software hardware  


1. Computer is electronic _____ that can perform mathematical and logical operations.

2. The basic job of computers is the _____ of information.

3. The computer equipment is known as the _____.

4. Mozilla Firefox _____ was developed by Netscape in 2001.

5. Many _____ contributed to the history of computers.

6. An operating system _____ an interface for the user.

7. The process of changing from analog to digital form is _____.

8.  _____ _____ include word processors, spreadsheets and databases.

9. The computer programs and data are known as the _____..

10. The history of the Internetbegins with the _____of electronic computers


¨ЗАДАНИЕ 2.Ответьте на вопросы. ¨ЗАДАНИЕ 3.Найдите 7 прилагательных. 
Which type of computer is the most common? small enough for a pocket? the most common portable? used by many people at the same time? used like mainframes? also called a handheld computer? the most powerful? not suitable for a lot of typing?

¨ЗАДАНИЕ 4.Решите, какое устройство подойдет к каждой ситуации. Обоснуйте свой выбор, используя прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени.

1. John wants a device for entertainment, writing letters, surfing the Internet.

2. Mary Leen is a personnel officer. She needs a device to keep staff records and a diary of appointments. Also she needs this for writing documentation.

3. Ted Roberts is a salesperson and he spends much time visiting customers. He wants a device to carry with him so he can access data about his customers and record his sales.



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