October 2020 (Wednesday). II round: solving of the case by the teams. October 2020 (Thursday). October 2020 (Friday). III round: individual task. Each participant will be delivered by the digital certificate of the participation.. Moderator’s full name, c ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 9 из 9 21 October 2020 (Wednesday) II round: solving of the case by the teams 11.00 the case in English will be distributed via teams (on Zoom platform). The case should be solved by the team (1 team is up to 5 people maximum from one University). The case is devoted to the entrepreneurship in University and innovations in entrepreneurial university. Round table discussion – for supervisors.
22 October 2020 (Thursday) II round: defense of the case solution before the expert jury (on Zoom platform). 13.00 – 17.00 – the team defends the solution of the case as he Power Point presentation in English language (by the whole team) The each teams receives the scores after the defense procedure. 17.00 – 17.30 – summing up of the section’s results (each participants gets two types of scores: 1) after individual testing + 2) the team’s defense of the case solution). As the result, a participant with the highest number of scores goes to the final III round.
23 October 2020 (Friday) III round: individual task 11:00 – 14:00 III round. Section winners’ participation (on Zoom platform). 16:00 – 17:00 Announcement of the winners. Close ceremony ISO-2020 (on Zoom platform).
Each participant will be delivered by the digital certificate of the participation. Moderator’s full name, contact details Anna S. Kovaleva +7-921-344-61-39 intermasterf@gmail.com
Coordinator’s full name, contact details Olga S. Stepchenkova +7-921-314-98-63 ooolitmash@yandex.ru
Appendix 1 APPLICATION FORM International Student Olympiad «ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT» 19 October – 23 October 2020
Students data
Supervisor data