A Person in the Professional Global Environment ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 A Person in the Professional Global Environment Profile and Image
I. Profile – background information (CV, Resume)
- Personal Data/Details - Education: University degree (fundamental knowledge) - Training: Professional training, retraining courses (expertise, specialist skills) - Working Experience : organization, position/job title, responsibilities, achievements - International Experience: involvement in international events, working abroad - Participation in International Professional Associations - Research interests (pertinent publications) - Other Information: relevant skills: language skills, computer skills, communicative skills, negotiating skills, managerial skills, cross-cultural communication skills, etc. - Hobbies /Pastimes
A high profile person, company
II. Image – the impression we give to our colleagues, partners, during a job interview, etc. There is a certain interrelation between one’s image and profile. Ideally they should match.
Essential qualities of a successful professional He/she should be: - efficient (highly qualified, well-organized, well-presented) - flexible ( able to adapt to various situations, environments beneficially) - committed to his/her job - loyal to his/her company, boss - sincere - hard-working - ambitious, goal-oriented - creative, open to change, innovation and development - a good communicator/ team player - tolerant, sympathetic, understanding, well-disposed, obliging, reserved, well-balanced, stress resistant - intelligent.
It is vital to assess (estimate, evaluate) oneself, other people, the situation, any event or object correctly. The basic evaluation tool is theSWOT analysis. To assess any object/event/process one should identify and balance /estimate its - Strengths (strong points) - Weaknesses (weak points) - Opportunities - Threats.
It is critical neither to overestimate nor to underestimate these features/factors. To develop one’s carrier successfully one should expose his/her strengths and cover his/her weaknesses.