First International Internet Rock-n-roll Cup! ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 9 из 9 First International Internet Rock-n-roll Cup!
Dear rock-n-roll friends! Dear sportsmens! Thank you for your training with us! You know that in the end of every training we learn a small part of the dance. And finally we will have a small dance program. With a great pleasure we invite you to participate in our competition!
It is very easy! For taking part you should do these steps: 1. Make a video of your dance our dancing program with a rock-n-roll music you like. 2. Install to your phone our mobile application “Rock-n-roll Champion” (you can find it in Google play or Apple store). (during the installation you should confirm the registration by email). 3. Send us an announcement by Whatsapp from 25th till 30th of april to number: +7(905)504-47-40. In the announcement you should write your name and surname, your photo, name of your City, your age, email of the registration for mobile application and also send your video with the dance.
All the competitors will compete in 3 disciplines: younger than 11 years old, 11-14 years old, older than 15 years old.
Videos of all the participants will be published in the mobile application “Rock-n-roll Champion”. Also we will choose best 5 videos in every group and these videos will be published in our VK page. The winner in every group will be a person who has more likes under the video.
Prize for the winners – diplomas and 1st International Enternet Rock-n-roll CUP!
We wish you good luck!!!