Task 1. Choose the right answer. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Task 1. Choose the right answer. 1. How many levels of organization of the medical service are there in the USA? a) two levels b) one level c) three levels
2. How does the average American call his own doctor? a) family doctor b) ward doctor c) therapeutist
3. Does the doctor receive pay from the patient? a) No, he doesn`t b) Yes, he is c) Yes, he does
4. Why do some Americans have no doctor? a) they are doctors themselves b) because of low income c) they have no desire
5. Where do the Americans with low income come for all their medical needs? a) they go to the hospital b) they stay at home c) they call their friends
Task 2. Translate into English. 1. медицинское обслуживание 2. домашний врач 3. бесплатный медицинский уход 4. делать прививки 5. низкий доход 6. значительная стоимость 7. нетрудоспособность 8. отделение неотложной помощи 9. заболевания сердечнососудистой системы 10. пожилые 11. несовершеннолетние дети 12. программа страхования 13. наркомания 14. пенсионные выплаты 15. доступный пациенту