1. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке. A: you? / Hi, / are / Jeff. / How Hi. Jeff. How are you? – пример как надо сделать. B: Great,thanks. How are you? A: Fine. This is my friend, Marianne. C: Nice to meet you. B: Hello, I'm Jeff. Nice to meet you.
2. Вставьте в пробелы варианты спряжения глагола to be (am, is, are).
Ben: Hello. How are you? Ed: Er ... hello. Ben: Sorry, are you Mr and Mrs Rutter? Ed: No, we are not. They are Mr and Mrs Rutter. Ben: Oh, sorry. Ben: Excuse me. Are you Jerry Rutter? Jerry: Yes. Ben: I am Ben Pastor. Jerry: Oh. hello. Nice to meet you, Ben. This is my wife, Sally. Sally: Hi. Ben: Sorry. Are[D1] your name Sandy? Sally: No, it is not. It's Sally. Ben: Nice to meet you, Sally.
3.Вставьте пропущенные формы глагола to be.
Are you American? No, I am Canadian. Is he a student? No, He is a teacher. Are we late? No, You are early. Are they from India? No, They are from China.
4.Вставьте прошедшую форму глагола to be (was/were) Jan and I werein Paris at the weekend. It was expensive, but interesting. 2 Simon and his wife were not) at the theatre yesterday. They are [D2] at the cinema. 3 I was late, but the teacher was not angry. 4 Louise was sorry that you were not at her party. 5 We were in New York last summer and the people were very friendly. 6 The film was not funny, but the popcorn was really good!
5.Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be в настоящем или прошедшем. 1. He is 2. The weather was not very nice last weekend, but it is 3. My mother is 4. We were not at home yesterday, but we was here today. 5. The food here was fine last week. but this meal is very good. 6. Svetlana was at school with me when we were children and now she is a famous politician. 7. I can see you were not very happy today. What's the matter? You were OK yesterday.
6.Переведите на русский язык предложения. Используйте глагол to be в будущем времени.
1. Завтра я буду дома. Tomorrow I will be at home 2. А ты будешь на работе? Will you be 3. Я не буду в Париже завтра. Tomorrow I will not be in Paris. 4. Я буду в Лондоне. I will be in London. 5. Ты будешь со мной? Will you be with me? 6. Или ты будешь с Марией? Or will you be with Maria? 7. Я не буду с Марией. I will not be with Maria. 8. Он будет завтра в школе, а я – на работе. Tomorrow he will be at school and I will be 9. Будешь ли ты богатым, здоровым, молодым, счастливым? Will you be rich, healthy,young , happy? 10. Да, ты будешь богатым, здоровым, молодым, счастливым. Yes, you will be rich, healthy,young , happy? [D1]IS YOUR NAME поскольку YOUR – это не YOU [D2]WERE – прошедшее [D3]ЗДЕСЬ НЕ НАДО BEING. Юля, СМОТРИТЕ ВНИМАТЕЛЬНО В ТАБЛИЧКУ по 1-му уроку. СВОЕГО НЕ НАДО НИЧЕГО ПРИДУМЫВАТЬ ))) [D4]АНАЛОГИЧНО