Let me explain why.
«Why I’m Learning More With Distance Learning Than I Do in School» (Veronique Mintz,an eighth-grade student). I’m 13 years old. I don’t miss the other kids who talk out of turn, disrespect teachers and hit one another. Destroying classroom materials. Disrespecting teachers. Blurting out answers during tests. Students pushing, kicking, hitting one another and even rolling on the ground. This is what happens in my school every single day. You may think I’m joking, but I swear I’m not. That’s why I’min favor of the distance learning, the New York City school system instituted when the coronavirus pandemic hit. If our schools use this experience to understand how to better support teachers in the classroom, then students will have a shot at learning more effectively when we return. be in favor of smth – быть «за»/ высказываться в пользу чего-л. talk out of turn – говорить не по очереди disrespect teachers – не уважать учителей hit one another –колотить (бить) друг друга blurt out answers during tests – выболтать ответ have a shot at learning (more effectively) – попытаться/ иметь шанс… Let me explain why. I have been doing distance learning since March 23 and find that I am learning more, and with greater ease, than when I attended regular classes. I can work at my own pace without being interrupted by disruptive students and teachers who seem unable to manage them. Students unable or unwilling to control themselves steal valuable class time, often preventing their classmates from being prepared for tests and assessments. I do not envy a middle-school teacher’s job. It’s far from easy to oversee 26 teenagers. In my three years of middle school, I’ve encountered only a few teachers who had strong command of their classrooms — enforcing consistent rules, treating students fairly and earning their respect. Distance learning gives memore control of my studies. I can focus more time on subjects that require greater effort and study. I don’t have to sit through a teacher fielding questions that have already been answered. I can still collaborate with other students, but much more effectively. I’ve also found that I prefer some of the recorded lessons that my teachers post to Google Classroom over the lessons they taught in person. Before lockdown, when I scheduled time to meet with my teacher before school, there would be a pile up of students at his door who also had questions. He couldn’t help us all in 20 minutes before first period. Other times he just wouldn’t show up. With distance learning, all of that wasted time is eliminated. I stop, start and even rewind the teacher’s recording when I need to and am able to understand the lesson on the day it’s taught. If I am confused, I attend my teacher’s weekly online office hours (which are 60-90 minutes long); there are never more than two or three other students present. The fact that I am learning so much better away from the classroom shows that something is wrong with our system. What lessons from remote learning can be taken back to the classroom? I have a few suggestions. First, teachers should send recorded video lessons to all students after class (through email or online platforms like Google Classroom). Second, teachers should offer students consistent, weekly office hours of ample time for 1-to-1 or small group meetings. Third, teachers who are highly skilled in classroom management should be paid more to lead required trainings for teachers, plus reinforcement sessions as needed.
VOCABULARY: learn with great ease – учиться без труда/с легкостью attend regular lasses – посещать плановые занятия work at one’s own pace – работать в удобном/комфортном темпе disruptive students – ученики, срывающие урок/мешающие на уроке (to) encounter – встречать (кого-л.)=неожиданно сталкиваться have strong command of smth – хорошо знать(предмет/методику/…) enforce consistent rules – обеспечивать соблюдение твердых правил gives smbmore control of one’s studies – больше контролировать учебу focus on subjects – сосредоточиться на предметах require greater effort – требовать бОльших усилий еliminate – исключить, устранить learning away from the classroom = remote learning = distance learning reinforcement sessions – занятия по обмену опытом (с обратной связью) ample time formeetings- достаточное время для встреч/ консультаций