Ahmed Abdellatif And Sudan Agricultural Leader Sets ResponsibilitiesAhmed Abdellatif And Sudan Agricultural Leader Sets Responsibilities In order to attain United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, CTC Group in Sudan along with other market leaders set great focus on social responsibilities to provide a positive impact. Under the leadership of Mr. Ahmed- the Chairman of CTC carries out its operations under the tagline of “Moving Forward” and being a leader of Sudan agricultural market, the group majorly focuses on its responsibility towards the society, environment and the local culture. Mr. Ahmed Abdellatif has set 5 SDGs under the UN Global Impact in which CTC is a signatory and commits to play an important role to ensure ethical business practices for the development of Sudan. Mr. Abdellatif has also announced that the first of these five SDGs is the “No Poverty” that will solely focus to increase productivity for staple crops by using increased agricultural production sustainability and the utilization of modern agro-technologies. As per Ahmed Alamin Abdellatif, the program will be followed by the Zero Hunger SDG which aims to provide smallholder farmers an opportunity to engage in various capacity building as well as will provide in-field support to help them to achieve positive results. Mr. Ahmed looks forward to promote Sudan Agriculture so that the development is attained as well as he is very well associated with the Work & Economic Growth, where his plans to enhance work environment in which employees of the group get great benefits, including- door-to-door transport, breakfast meals at work and social protection measures, and various other facilities and that is all free of charge.