Составитель доцент к.м.н. Сухарева И.А.
Составитель доцент к.м.н. Сухарева И.А.
How write bisness plan
Business - planning.
A business plan is a technical-economical study of activity and prospects of development of ME.
Business-plan is characterized:
• Business plan is interrupted.
• A business plan is directed on a patient.
• Business plan is based both on external and on internal terms.
• A business plan scopes strategic and workings questions.
• A business plan scopes by the great number of the temporal cuttings-off from long-term to short-term
A complete business plan must:
1. To give the clear picture of organization intentions and give an answer for a question “That do we try to do?”
2. To answer a question “To what do we try to come?” ( partial answer is given by a state order).
3. To describe strategic and concrete aims.
4. To answer the question of “How many MSs going we to give?”
5. To describe any planned changes of MS.
6. To set the planned numbers of profits and charges (on the basis of prices and calculation expenses).
7. To set plans and control numbers, necessary for approaching to the needs of patient and advancement of MS (marketing plan)
8. To describe the standards of quality and methods of their providing.
9. To describe sense of business plan for workers.
A business plan is described by essence of organization and does clear and exhaustive the plans of work in different temporal ranges.
Name of section
| Description of information
| Resume
| Primary purposes of ME, strategies, composition of concrete measures within the framework of strategy, determination of spectrum of services and planned end-point of activity.
| Types of commodities (services)
| Description of commodities (services), estimation of demand on them, price policy of organization.
| Markets of sale
| Estimation of markets, their segmentation, exposure of capacity, determination of factors influencing on demand in every segment, prospects of change of necessities, estimation of potential and real volume of sales.
| Competition at the market
| Presence of competitors, analysis of their products and financial position, determination of strong and weak sides of competitors, development of questions of image of organization et cetera
| Marketing plan
| Aims and marketing strategies, questions of stimulation of sales, advertising, pricing, forming of public opinion.
| Plan of activity
| All of questions, related to the technique and technology of realization put before ME of aims.
| Organizational plan
| Organizational structure of LPU, estimation of skilled potential, rationalization of personnel of organization, determination of skilled policy.
| Legal providing of activity of organization
| Legal essential elements of organization, accordance of aims and tasks of LPU to the existent normatively-legal base.
| Risk Estimation and insurance
| List of possible risks and expected harm from it, measures on neutralization of risks, development of the program of ensuring against risks.
| Financial plan
| Plans of profits and charges, cash flows, balance sheets.
| Strategy of financing
| Amount and sources of receipt of the necessary for a decision put tasks of facilities, determination of degree of profitableness on the inlaid facilities.