MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING. between. The University of La VerneMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between ______________________________________ and The University of La Verne
The University of La Verne – ULV and _____________________________________, after due discussions and consultations have agreed to the following provisions for developing international exchange and cooperation programs based upon the principle of reciprocity.
This agreement permits the exchange of scholars, professional staff members, students, and academic information between the signatory institutions. By establishing such exchanges, the instructional and research activities at both universities will be enhanced and greater mutual understanding between scholars and students of both universities facilitated.
The universities agree to promote the following exchange activities based on their respective academic and educational needs.
1. Exchange of scholars (professors, advanced graduate fellows, and/or researchers) and professional staff members;
2. Exchange of students (graduate and undergraduate);
3. Exchange of information and academic materials;
4. Organization of joint research programs including those for eventual publication in academic and professional journals;
5. Organization of joint research programs, as well as exchange of information about conferences, workshops, and mutual assistance to participate in them;
6. Collaboration in distance education and Information Technology;
7. Other feasible and relevant educational activities to be engaged upon according to this agreement and in the spirit of developing education for mutual benefit to the parties, students and the public, such as promotion of international scholarship programs;
8. Supporting activities / services such as Language Training, orientations and preparatory courses are considered;
The implementation of each exchange based on this agreement shall be separately negotiated and determined by both universities, and efforts shall be made by both sides to find financial and in-kind resources for implementing specific exchange programs.
Nothing in this agreement shall in any way diminish the full autonomy of either university, nor shall let constrains be imposed by either party upon the other in implementing this agreement.
This agreement shall last five years and shall be reviewed and evaluated after this period. Either party may terminate this agreement upon written notice to the other party three months prior to the actual termination. In such cases, programs under way shall be allowed to be completed according to the terms that have been agreed upon, unless the same is still under negotiation in which case the same may likewise be terminated.
This agreement is to become effective when the representatives of each university have signed below, respectively.