Делая карточки, опирайтесь на способы, которые мы разбирали в предыдущие дни.Делая карточки, опирайтесь на способы, которые мы разбирали в предыдущие дни.
I wish Sobyanin stopped //сдирать, ломать// off and reinstalling paving slabs every year. ripping (to rip) The new Netflix was //разорван в клочья (3 words)// to shreds by users because of its poor quality. (idiom) ripped to shreds (to rip sth to shreds) I’m sure everyone is a little bit //подзабытый, утративший форму// after the summer break. rusty I //выскребла, извлекла// the info about my potential competitor on uni entering lists by using HSE and VK websites and some computer programs. scraped (to scrape) I’m that type of person who will literally //сделать всё возможное, из кожи вон лезть (4 words)// to achieve my goals. (idiom) go to any lengths (to go to any lengths to do sth) I //не переношу; hate// getting up early during my holidays. detest (to detest sth/Ving) I don’t think anyone will //противиться, возразить// to having ice cream during this boiling heat. object (to object to) In recent years, she has been //подверглась// to high levels of anxiety. subject (be subject to sth) I can’t meet up with you today, events have //things have changed// me. overtaken (to overtake) //Посуда, кухонные приборы// is an old-fashioned word to call cutlery. crockery Please, be attentive or you’ll cut yourself with //кухонные ножи; crockery//. cutlery When I was a child, my mum didn’t allow me to //отбивать аппетит (3 words)// by eating chocolate before the main course. (set phrase) spoil my appetite (to spoil your appetite) I was a //пограничный кандидат (2 words)// to receive C2 level because I scored 199 on CAE. a borderline candidate She tried to falsify her high school //аттестат// in order to get additional points for entering the university. certificate My friend just can’t //жульничать на экзамене (4 words)// because he’s too anxious to do it. cheat in an exam This video is absolutely //уморительный, супер смешной; funny//! hilarious He’s known to become //extremely angry; furious; angry, mad// when someone lies to him. livid This book is //наполнена// with some useful pieces of advice. packed (with) I get //extremely thirsty// so fast during this heat! parched You should have seen the look on her face when I told her that I knew the truth – it was absolutely //бесценно//. priceless