Делая карточки, опирайтесь на способы, которые мы разбирали в предыдущие дни.Делая карточки, опирайтесь на способы, которые мы разбирали в предыдущие дни.
It was a //мутный, пасмурный//, grey day. dull
I lead a pretty //not interesting or exciting// existence. (not ordinary or dull) mundane
The journey soon became //затянутым, томительно-долгим//. tedious
She speaks French with an //чудовищный, ужасающий// accent. (not terrible or dreadful) atrocious
She spent the day sorting through a box full of //мелочи, хлама//. odds and ends
We need to settle this //раз и навсегда//. once and for all
You can’t do that to your own //плоть и кровь//! one’s own flesh and blood
What she told us was an //complete// lie. out-and-out (an out-and-out lie)
All I want is some //тишины и покоя//. peace and quiet
I have //…// this nice red shirt. (=I am thinking about buying it, 3 words) my eye on (to have your eye on sth)
Being able to speak French gave her a //…// over the other candidates. (=дало фору, 2 words) head start (to have / give sb a head start)
It’s late, kiddo. You should //направиться домой// to head home
We've asked the neighbours to //приглядеть// on the house for us while we are away. keep an eye (to keep an eye on sth / sb)
This is where I grew up. I know this area like the //...//. (=как свои пять пальцев, 4 words) like the back of my hand (to know somewhere like the back of your hand)
‘Our dog got into the neighbour's garden again!’ ‘You'll //услышите пару ласковых//.’ to be popular
Once I’ll be a //получающий второе высшее, аспирант//. I really wanna study in Oxford. a post-graduate
They spent days //проводя исследования, собирая сведения// in the school library. researching (to research)
He is currently doing extensive research //о, по поводу// renewable energy sources. into (to do research into)
The growth forecast has been //откорректирован, были внесены поправки// down. revised (to revise)
The evolution of human life was a gradual, //накопительный, совокупный// process. cumulative