Делая карточки, опирайтесь на способы, которые мы разбирали в предыдущие дни.Делая карточки, опирайтесь на способы, которые мы разбирали в предыдущие дни.
I have some //прелестная, приятная// gossip to tell you. delicious To be honest, her singing was quite //ужасный, отвратительный//. dreadful We were caught in the storm and got //промокли насквозь// to the skin. (not: soaked) drenched tag: synonym He woke up //мокрый, промокший// with sweat. (not: drenched) soaked tag: synonym The child’s //обезумевшие, убитые горем// parents pleaded for witnesses to contact the police. distraught Was she really upset or was that just an //притворство//? act I'd like to know what really goes on //втайне, вдали от чужих глаз// in government. backstage We all felt the movie was a potential //хит, популярный кассовый фильм//. blockbuster The movie has been a huge //кассовый успех//. box-office success The colours he wore emphasized the olive //оттенок// of his skin. (not: hue, shade) cast His actions during the crisis were truly //похвальные//. praiseworthy Rock music is getting so //ожидаемая, предсказуемая, скучная// these days. predictable This shows how //поверхностный// their commitment to the environment really is. shallow You had to admire the //разумное, скользкое, неискреннее// presentation of last night’s awards ceremony. slick The champion was in //блистательная, замечательная// form. sparkling When the grass in the yard //вспыхнула, загорелась//, I thought the whole house was going to burn down. (2 words) caught fire The vehicle was //охваченный огнем//. engulfed in flames The hotel was completely //уничтожен изнутри// by fire last year. gutted The coach tried to //взбодрить, подогнать// the team in his halftime speech. (4 words) light a fire under tag: idiom I //злился, рвал и метал// inwardly against his injustice. raged