Делая карточки, опирайтесь на способы, которые мы разбирали в предыдущие дни.Делая карточки, опирайтесь на способы, которые мы разбирали в предыдущие дни.
The gates shut behind him with a //глухой, приглушенный// thud. dull He had no interest in such //скучные, будничные// details. (not: tedious) mundane tag: synonym The journey soon became //затянутая, скучная, утомительная//. (not: mundane) tedious tag: synonym She speaks French with an //ужасным, скверным// accent. atrocious These claims are //сомнительные, неоднозначные, подозрительные// and not scientifically proven. dubious She spent the day sorting through a box full of //разные мелочи, безделушки// (3 words) odds and ends tag: idiom We need to settle this //раз и навсегда//. (4 words) once and for all tag: idiom You can’t do that to //свой родственник//! (5 words) your own flesh and blood tag: idiom What she said was an //чистой воды, полная ложь//. out-and-out lie I would work better if I had some //тишина и покой//. (3 words) peace and quiet tag: idiom The store detective //присматривал, держал на примете// a group of boys who were acting suspiciously. (4 words) had his eye on tag: idiom Being able to speak French //давало ей начальное преимущество// over the other candidates. (5 words) gave her a head start to head home We've asked the neighbours to //присмотреть, приглянуть за// the house for us while we are away. (5 words) keep an eye on tag: idiom This is where I grew up. I //…// this area //…//. (=знаю, как свои 5 пальцев) (7 words) know … like the back of my hand tag: idiom There is a growing //народный// movement for democracy in the country. popular Some managers have asked medical schools to release more //аспиранты// students for hospital work. postgraduate They are //исследуют// the language of dolphins. (3 words) doing research into