Делая карточки, опирайтесь на способы, которые мы разбирали в предыдущие дни.Делая карточки, опирайтесь на способы, которые мы разбирали в предыдущие дни.
The operation of removing wisdom teeth was //проведена; выполнена// under anaesthetic. performed (to perform an operation) Applying ice to your cheeks will help you to //убрать, уменьшить опухлость (3 words)//. (set phrase) reduce the swelling She //пришла в сознание (2 words)// the next day after the operation. (set phrase) regained consciousness (to regain consciousness) Cavities generally //поддаются лечению (3 words)//. (set phrase) respond to treatment The new driving rules will //вступят в силу (2 words)// on the 1st of September. (set phrase) take effect He has been //изводить (3 words)// his classmate for almost 2 years. (phrasal verb) hammering away at (to hammer away at sb) My mum used to //смахивать, сбивать// all of my brother’s mugs. (phrasal verb) knock off My cat’s just //укусил; bite// me on my hand. nipped We’ll //заскочим (2 words)// the store and get something for a movie night. (phrasal verb) (to) pop into All classmates //глумились (2 words)// the nerd, thinking he would be a loser forever. (phrasal verb) scoffed at (to scoff at) I //мечтаю о больших делах (3 words)// great things, I want to make something that’s gonna outlive me. (set phrase) (to) wish to do (sth) The character //едва не погиб, был в шаге от смерти (3 words)// dying several times during the story. (idiom) came close to (to come close to doing sth) We are //выступаем за, придерживаемся// to the ideal of equality. committed (to be committed to sth) I don’t //чувствовать в себе силы (2 words)// to adding new words to Anki, but I’ll make myself do it. (phrasal verb) feel up (to doing sth) I see his actions as //гнусные, омерзительные; morally very bad//. abhorrent /əˈbɒr.ənt/ Her ex treated her //обращаться по-свински, не считать за человека, опускать ниже плинтуса (2 words)//, their relationship was so toxic. (idiom) like dirt (to treat sb like dirt) You need to //лечить болезнь (3 words)// or your state will become even worse! (set phrase) treat your illness (to treat an illness) She’s an //восходящая, подающая надежды, перспективная// musician. up-and-coming Will’s //осведомленный, компетентный// about the most random things ever. knowledgeable Working //сверхурочные, чрезмерные// hours won’t move your closer to promotion. excessive