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If and will can go together. Exercise №1. Поставьте глагол в правильной форме.

If and will can go together


Итак правило AFTER IF and WHEN – NO WILL должно звучать так:

After IF we have no WILL – if IF means “ЕСЛИ”.

After IF we DO have WILL – if IF means “ЛИ”.

After WHEN we have no WILL – if the WHEN sentence answers the question “КОГДА”.

After WHEN we DO have WILL – if the WHEN sentence answers the question “ЧТО”.


I do not know She is not sure They doubt I wonder if (whether) when they will come to see us. you will do it for me.  


Exercise №1. Поставьте глагол в правильной форме.

1. When the plane (take off), I will drink something.

2. Granny is asking you if you (stay) for the weekend.

3. Granny wants to make three meat pies if you (stay) for the weekend.

4. I will leave you if you (come) home drunk again.

5. Maybe you know when Monica (be) 25?

6. Maybe you can phone Monica when she (be) 25?

7. Do you know that the pig will bite you if you (run) after it?

8. If you (run) after the pig, I’ll take your photo.

9. Doctor, can you tell me when my hamster (have) babies?

10. Doctor, can you tell me if my hamster (have) babies?

11. I don't know if I (be back) home by 11 o'clock.

12. He will come to the station when the train (come).

13. If it (rain), we`ll stay at home.

14. I wonder if she (come).

15. If I (not/ get) the promotion, I’ll look for another job.

16. I don’t know if it (happen).

17. I don’t care if it (hurt) me.

18. In case he (ring up), I will tell him that you are here.

19. Before you (have) dinner, you will have to walk the dog.


Можно сказать if…will в следующих случаях:

1) Когда говорим о результате действия, указанного в главном предложении.

Close the door if it will help Peter to sleep (можно и if it helps you to sleep). То есть, сон – результат действия в главном предложении. Но: we’ll go for a walk, if it stops raining (здесь прекращение дождя не является результатом действия в главном предложении).

2) При выражении просьбы или в значении «if you are willing to».

If you will take your seats, colleagues, we can begin our meeting (т.е, займите свои места и мы начнем…)

• “So if you’ll just sign here, that should be it.”

• “Great, if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to your room.”

• “If you’ll excuse me for a minute, I’ll check on how Jill is going.”

• “Now, if you’ll recall, we arrived at about 10 o’clock in the morning.”

• “If you’ll look at my resumé, you’ll see I am more than qualified for the position.”

• If you’ll cook (you are willing to cook) dinner, I’ll do the washing-up.

3) При выражении неодобрения или критикуя кого-либо.

“I feel sick”. “If you will drink so much. I’m not surprised. (неодобрение)

4) Также говорим if…won’t , когда говорим об отказе что-либо сделать.

There’s no point in trying to persuade him, if he won’t listen.

We can also see if and will in some lexical forms:

If it’ll help,..

If it’ll work, ..

If it’ll make things better, …



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