Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation.ESSAY Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation.
Some people are convinced that the ability to deal with digital devices is crucial for earning career success, whereas others insist that digital literacy plays no role in one's becoming a competitive professional. Personally, I support the first opinion and I strongly believe that one cannot climb a career ladder without digital skills. First and foremost, employees upskilled in digital literacy tend to have higher salaries, because they can efficiently use computer programs to fulfill their tasks quickly. Besides, nowadays most jobs are performed on computers, so understanding how modern technologies work is indispensable. Moreover, digital literacy allows one to get a remote job like that of a freelancer so as not to depend on any particular employer. However, opponents of this point of view do not consider digital literacy to be significant for achieving challenging goals in one's profession. According to their opinion, some occupations, such as dancing or mastering arts, do not require digital skills at all. Also, to succeed in their job, employees had better focus on developing personal traits of their character, such as goal-orientedness. Nevertheless, these arguments do not sound reasonable enough due to the following logical assumptions. For instance, creative people are still to keep in touch with their audience using digital devices. Furthermore, employees who can boast of programming skills have additional competitive advantages because it proves their ability to learn further on. In conclusion, I still strongly believe that digital literacy is a must for achieving goals in any modern job or sphere of action. 252 слова.