abilities (innate abilities)
| inborn talents
inborn qualities
have a natural ability to do sth
be able = be capable = be qualified
| overseas (adj/adv)
outside of one’s home country
go abroad => go overseas
travel/go abroad, to be abroad, to move abroad
travel abroad => travel to a foreign country
overseas tourists - зарубежные туристы
living abroad => residing in another country
residing abroad => living in another country
studying abroad => studying overseas
in other countries
in a foreign country
domestic (adj)
national (adj)
absorbed (adj)
| occupied (adj)
captivated (adj)
engrossed (adj)
bored (adj)
uninterested (adj)
disappointed (adj)
indifferent (adj)
accumulate (v)
| collect (v)
gather (v)
add (v)
build up (v)
pile up (v)
| disperse (v)
distribute (v)
divide (v)
according to
| in terms of
| exact
| false
acknowledged (adj)
| be recognized (adj) as
known (adj) as
be accepted (adj)
accurately (adv)
| exactly (adv)
precisely (adv)
correctly (adv)
| incorrectly (adv)
| active = energetic = animated = lively
| get addicted to => be crazy about => hook on
additional (adj)
| further (adj)
extra (adj)
supplementary (adj)
other (adj)
| grown-up – взрослый
man or woman
grown man - взрослый человек
adult person - взрослый человек
mature – зрелый
full-grown – выросший, развившийся
aging population - стареющее население
| youth – молодежь
younger generation – молодое поколение
youngster — юноша, девушка
youngsters – молодежь
teenager/teen – подросток, молодой человек в возрасте от 13 до 19 лет he «молодойбление слов «молодой
teenagers- young ones
adolescent – подросток, молодой человек в возрасте от 12 до 21 года
juvenile – несовершеннолетний
young person – молодой человек
advance (v)
| go ahead (v)
forward (v)
further (v)
improve (v)
| hold back (v)
discourage (v)
advances in technology - достижения в технологии
| advances in technology => progressive forward movement in technology
advanced (adj)
| complex (adj)
progressive (adj)
higher (adj)
of high level
| of low level
advancement (n)
| promotion (n)
growth (n)
improvement (n)
upgrading (n)
| decrease (n)
stagnation (n)
downfall (n)
regression (n)
| benefit
positive sides or effects of
positive aspects of
positive effect ≈ beneficial impact
to bring advantages/ benefits ≈ to have positive effects/ beneficial effects (impacts) on something ≈ to affect something positively
| disadvantages
negative sides of
negative aspects of
advertising, advertisement – реклама
| advertising media - рекламные СМИ
advertising business - рекламный бизнес
advertise – рекламировать
promotional material - рекламный материал
promotional marketing - рекламный маркетинг
promotion – продвижение
promote - продвигать
public attention - общественное внимание
marketing - маркетинг
advocate (v)
| support (v)
encourage (v)
public support (v)
| discourage (v)
oppose to (v)
affect (v) - влиять
| to influence - оказывать влияние
to impact - воздействовать
impact on - воздействие на
impact on society - влияние на общество
have an impact on - оказывать влияние на

in the air
| in the airstreams
bad air
| toxic air
all day long
| the whole day
alone (adj)
| single (adj)
by oneself on => one's own (adj) – самостоятельно
by herself => on her own
live alone = live by themselves
solo (adj)
by themselves / on their own
on its own - сам по себе
| together (adv)
with sb
| other
| amazing = fantastic = astonishing = extraordinary = incredible = fabulous = wonderful
| yearly => per year
| come up
apply oneself
| concentrate on (v)
focus on (v)
pay attention to (v)
| ignore (v)
neglect (v)
appropriate (adj)
| suitable (adj)
applicable (adj)
convenient (adj)
proper (adj)
| improper (adj)
inappropriate (adj)
irrelevant (adj)
| space – место, пространство, космос
room — свободное пространство
place — место как часть чего-то
green area - green spaces – park- parkland - recreation area - forest park (лесопарк) - country park (загородный парк)
friendly place => welcoming place => hospitable place
a peaceful spot => a quiet place
in nearby areas => in areas neighbouring (a place)
in nearby areas
| in areas neighbouring (a place)
around the world - во всем мире
| across the globe - по всему миру
all over the world
throughout the world
are especially interested in
| that particularly interest us
art, drama and music
| extracurricular activities
extra classes
extra-curricular activities
extra tuition
artificial (adj)
| man-made (adj)
faked (adj)
unnatural (adj)
| genuine (adj)
real (adj)
natural (adj)
be associated with
| be connected with (adj)
be related to (adj)
| be separated from (adj)
as quickly as
| as soon as
assume (v)
| take on (v)
undertake (v)
seize (v)
| reject (v)
refuse (v)
give up (v)
turn down (v)
| join / enroll / apply to
to attend school => to go to school
to attend classes => to go to classes
attract someone’s attention
| catch one’s eyes
grab/attract one’s attention
| physical attractiveness
an awful lot
| a large amount (n)
a great deal (n)
| a small amount (n)
at the beginning
| first
at first
initially (adv)
| eventually (adv)
finally (adv)
| keep safe from
| make people more aware of its values => publicise its values
| raise awareness of sth… => raise awareness about sth…
| awful = dreadful = terrible = bad = unpleasant
a wide variety of - большое разнообразие
| a huge range of – огромный ассортимент
| forbid =>impose =>put a ban on something
ban = prohibit = forbid
based on
| stem from, modelled on
on a regular basic
| on a regular basic => frequently/regularly
be brought up by
| be brought up by => live with
be connected with
| be linked with
be interested (in)
| have interest in …
(be) keen on … / keen to V
to be of little use
| not very useful
be risk at
| be risk at => threatened (threatened with extinction)
be spent on
| be allocated for
be used for
be expended
be paid out for
beautiful (красивый)
| · pretty
· lovely
· handsome
· attractive
· gorgeous
· dazzling
· magnificent
· comely
· ravishing
· graceful
· elegant
| · красивый
· прекрасный
· красивый
· привлекательный
· великолепный
· ослепительный
· великолепный
· миловидный
· восхитительный
· изящный
· элегантный

beneficial = helpful = useful = advantageous
benefit - выгода, польза
| positive effect of
positive sides or effects of
positive aspects of
positive effect => beneficial impact
be useful / helpful
| negative sides of
negative aspects of
to have negative effects/ detrimental impacts on something => to affect something negatively
beside, besides
| beside => next to => at the side of…
Come and sit here beside me.
besides => in addition to =>also
Do you play any other sports besides basketball?
| optimal
the best way
| the most effective way
an effective solution
the best way to…
| the most effective strategy to…
an effective solution
the effective way to…
| the effective means of…
best way to guarantee getting a job
(for young job seekers) => for most young people to find work
| optimum way to ensure getting a top job
be the best way for children to learn
| create opportunities for playful learning
big (большой)
| · enormous
· huge
· immense
· gigantic
· vast
· colossal
· gargantuan
· large
| · огромный
· огромный
· огромный
· гигантский
· огромный
· колоссальный
· гигантский
· большой
birthday - день рождения
birthday girl / woman – именинница
on my birthday - на мой день рождения
| a special occasion - особый случай
a family occasion - семейный праздник
birthday party - вечеринка в честь дня рождения
birthday is a happy event that brings the family closer - день рождения это счастливое событие, которое сближает семью
family members share in the joy of the occasion - члены семьи разделяют радость праздника
celebrating family occasion - празднование семейного праздника
family members keep the focus on the joyous occasion - члены семьи сосредоточены на радостном событии
meeting family members during such occasion strengthens familial ties and bonds - встреча с членами семьи во время такого случая укрепляет семейные узы и связи.
book (n)
| volume
printed work
literary production
literary work
| tedious

brave = courageous = fearless
to break down
| to be out of order
to stop working
to stop functioning
break off (v)
| stop (v)
interrupt (v)
come to a sudden halt
| continue (v)
go on (v)
brilliant (adj)
| smart (adj)
intelligent (adj)
bright (adj)
gifted (adj)
| stupid (adj)
dull (adj)
ignorant (adj)
unintelligent (adj)
to bring advantages/ benefits
| to have positive effects/ beneficial effects (impacts) on something
| disadvantage
to have negative effects
to affect something negatively
bring about (adj)
| lead to (adj)
result in (adj)
cause (adj)
give rise to (adj)
| end (v)
finish (v)
bringing people together
| unite and connect people
boring (adj)
| uninteresting (adj)
unimpressive (adj)
unattractive (adj)
ordinary (adj)
| interesting (adj)
exciting (adj)
out of the ordinary (adj)
fascinating (adj)
boundless (adj)
| endless (adj)
immense (adj)
| limited (adj)
burden (n)
| duty (n)
responsibility (n)
| something enjoyable
| businessperson
buy (v)
| purchase (v)
shop (v)
gain (v)
pick up (v)
| sell (v)
exchange goods
auction (v)
trade (v)
buyer – покупатель
| purchaser – покупатель
shopper – покупатель
customer – покупатель, потребитель,
client – клиент
by myself
| on my own
| | | | |