CURRICULUM VITAE. lt; Education. lt; Work Experience and Responsibilities. lt; Knowledge of foreign languages. lt; Interests and hobbies. lt; List CoverCURRICULUM VITAE
Name: Inna Da Adress: Barlickiego 13 , 45-083 Opole
E-mail: innassik@gmail.com Skype: Innassik Date of birth: 1983
< Education 01/09/00 – 30/05/06 Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Ukraine
< Work Experience and Responsibilities 03/2005 – 03/2015 Project Coordinator (HR construction field) Job – Private Company Kamelot Bud Luks ( Ukrainian) The main tasks are: research analysis, recruitment of construction workers and technical supervision over their work. Foreign employees management - contracts / payments and taxes / individual support - Experience in recruitment – candidates selection, interviews, adaptation programs; - 10 years of experience in construction company HR; - Management of business units and HR; - Building a strong relationship between HR and other business units; - Very good knowledge of the Ukrainian and Russian; - Good knowledge of MS Office, AVK5, AutoCAD, RasKon Aleksey Kurbatskiy, 1C and the ability to use office equipment; - Driving license B category (7 years); - Excellent organization of work; - Good manners, communication and creative skills and ability to work in a group. < Knowledge of foreign languages Polish: elementary Russian: excellent English: good Ukrainian: native < Interests and hobbies literature, music, theater, painting, photography, learning language, paragliding
< List Cover ____________________________________________________________________
Specjalista ds. rekrutacji (język ukraiński) Nr ref: WRR/01/14 Miejsce pracy: Opole
I would be glad if you consider how far my qualifications (set on the attached resume) meet your job requirements.
I can come for a job interview anytime in Skype: Innassik
< Recommendations
Inna Da really worked in our company as a HR Business Partner from March 2005 to March 2015.
Inna Da coped with her responsibilities very well and had to quit due to the project closure. She can be successful at labor-intensive activity.
So I can really recommend Ms. Inna for any similar job.
CFO Aleksey Rogkow Camelot Bud Lux.co +38 095