Делая карточки, опирайтесь на способы, которые мы разбирали в предыдущие дни.Делая карточки, опирайтесь на способы, которые мы разбирали в предыдущие дни.
to scrub
to season Drain the rice, stir in the salmon and //to improve the flavour of savoury food by adding salt, herbs, or spices when cooking or preparing it// to taste (= so that it has the taste you like)
to shell Army bases were //to attack or to destroy a place by firing shells// overnight by rebel forces.
to sieve to make the batter, //просеивать// the flour and salt into a bowl.
memory/mind like a sieve I have a //forget things easily//, I tend to forget a lot of things
to sizzle
to soak
to sprinkle The first course was smoked salmon with fresh dill //to drop a few pieces or drops of something over a surface// on top.
sob stuff They heard //2 words, spoken or written stories that are intended to cause very sad feelings// from one man about his deprived childhood in an institution.
Thick and fast Distress calls were pouring in, //3 words, quickly and in large numbers//, from all over the area.
to go as white as a sheet Her face //to become very pale because of illness, shock, fear//, when she heard the news
to be yellow I knew you were quiet, but I didn’t know you were //not brave//.
to be at odds with My mother and father //4 words, disagree with someone// each other about my future university
to have green fingers My grandmother’s is marvelous! She //3 words, good at growing plants//
to get the boot He was useless, and soon //3 words, to be told to leave your job or your school//
at the drop of a hat I hate to speak in public, but she’ll get up on stage //6 words, easily, with little encouragement//.
to be shortlisted His latest novel has been //a list of people who have been judged the most suitable for a job or prize, made from a longer list of people originally considered, and from which one person will be chosen// for the Man Booker prize.
to think on your feet I'd never heard about the company before, so I had to //4 words, to make a quick decision or give an answer quickly//.
light-hearted It was a fairly //happy, not serious// discussion.
bloodcurdling This remark earned me the sensation of my head splitting in two as a //causing a feeling of extreme fear// shriek tore through the air
Be a recipe for disaster, trouble, success, etc All those children unsupervised sounds to me like a //3 words, to be very likely to become a disaster, success, etc.//