


Случайная статья

Делая карточки, опирайтесь на способы, которые мы разбирали в предыдущие дни.

Делая карточки, опирайтесь на способы, которые мы разбирали в предыдущие дни.


I found him in the kitchen, //вычищающим щеткой, оттирающим// the floor.

scrubbing (to scrub)

//Приправьте (посолите или поперчите)// the lamb with garlic.


They were under orders to //обстрелять из минометов// the hospital and the town hall.


He sits in front of the TV, //чистит, лущит// peanuts.


Wash the rice in a //сито, решето// under cold running water.


The sausages are //шипят, шкворчат// in the pan.

sizzling (to sizzle)

I usually //замачиваю// the beans overnight.


She //посыпала, окропила// the strawberries with sugar.


Are you going to //начинить, фаршировать// the turkey?


The fog had //сгустился// slightly.


She //побледнела, как полотно// when she heard the news. (6 words)

went as white as a sheet

tag: idiom

I'm not surprised that Tom didn't come to the rally—he's too //трусливый// to defend his beliefs in public. (idiom, 1 word)


He //постоянно расходится во взглядах, не ладит с// his father over politics. (5 words)

is always at odds with

tag: idiom

My mom can keep any plant alive, even ones that I've nearly killed—she seriously //прирожденный садовод//. (3 words)

has green fingers

tag: idiom

I'm going to //быть уволенным// if the boss finds out that printing error was my fault. (3 words)

get the boot

tag: idiom

The company can't expect me to move my home and family //по щелчку, сразу, без колебаний//. (6 words)

at the drop of a hat

tag: idiom

Her novel //прошла в финал// for the Booker Prize.

was shortlisted

Thank goodness you were able to //соображать на ходу, быстро решать проблемы// and find another way to stop the pipe from leaking. (4 words)

think on your feet

tag: idiom

It was a fairly //веселая, беспечная, непринужденная// discussion.


The howl of wolves coming from far away is very //пугающий, леденящий кровь//. (not: hair-raising)


tag: synonym

Treating teenagers like six-year-olds is //прямой путь к// disaster. (3 words)

a recipe for

tag: idiom



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