Traditional Christmas food is … - 20 euro ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 5. Traditional Christmas food is … - 20 euro a. turkey and chocolate cake b. chicken and Christmas pudding c. turkey and Christmas pudding d. fish and chips Bonfire Night 1. Bonfire Night is …- 30 euro a. on 14 November b. on 31 October c. on 5 November d. on 5 October 2. On Bonfire Night people eat … - 30 euro a. pumpkin b. jacket potatoes and hot dogs c. fish and chips d. turkey and pudding 3. People make … - 20 euro a. garlands b. masks c. bonfires d. cakes 4. On the bonfire children put … -20 euro a. a guy (чучело) b. a pumpkin c. a witch d. a tree Halloween 1. Halloween is on … - 20 euro a. 5 October b. 31 October c. 31 November d. 24 December 2. The colours of Halloween are … - 40 euro a. black and orange b. red and black c. green and yellow d. blue and orange 3. The children say at Halloween time … -30 euro a. Don't worry b. Glad to see you c. Trick or Threat d. Thank you very much Sleepover 1. Sleepover is … - 30 euro a. a night excursion b. a museum c. a party d. a holiday 2. Sleepovers normally start … - 10 euro a. in the morning b. in the evening c. in the afternoon d. in summer holidays 3. … can organize sleepovers. – 30 euro a. Buckingham Palace b. The House of Parliament c. The London Zoo d. The Natural History Museum Symbols of UK 1. The symbol of Scotland is… - 40 euro a. the thistle (чертополох) b. the shamrock c. the rose d. the daffodil 2. The symbol of Nothern Ireland is… - 40 euro a. the thistle b. the shamrock (трилистник) c. the rose d. the daffodil 3. The symbol of England is… - 40 euro a. the thistle b. the shamrock c. the rose (роза) d. the daffodil 4. The symbol of Wales is… - 40 euro a. the thistle b. the shamrock c. the rose d. the daffodil (нарцисс)