When Do You Need Expedited Car Transport?When Do You Need Expedited Car Transport? Although we are not really in favor of getting expedited shipping because it will cost you several hundred bucks, there can be instances when you need it at all costs. These can be transportation of your car to an auction or a car show when time is limited. Or, you are travelling somewhere for a few days of trip and don’t want to wait 3-5 days for the car to get there, so you get expedited shipping to have it delivered in 1-2 days. Parting Words: Using expedited shipping can really save you a few days but if you can, avoid it as paying an extra few hundred or even a few thousand bucks is not worth it, especially if the need is not urgent. For instance, if you are on vacation, get regular shipping until your car gets there and use a rented one for commute; it’ll be a lot cheaper than expedited shipping. For More Information About Car Shipping Company Canada, How To Ship A Car To Canada, Car Shipping To Canada