Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation ITMO University SUPERVISOR’S REVIEW OF A GRADUATION THESIS
Student_____________________________________________________________________ (full name) Group_______________ Faculty/Institute/Cluster __________________________________ Degree level ____________________________________________________________________ (Master’s, Engineer’s)** Subject area___________________________________________________________ (code and name of subject area) Major __________________________________________________________________________________ Specialization ___________________________________________________________________ Thesis topic _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Thesis supervisor__________________________________________________________________ (full name, place of employment, position, academic degree, academic title) __________________________________________________________________________________ Assessment of the student’s approach to developing their thesis
Criteria |
Grade | ||||
High | Above average | Average | Not assessed | ||
Initiative in setting research goals and objectives | |||||
Initiative and justification for the choice and application of research methods | |||||
Quality, logic, and fullness with which the collected material is presented | |||||
Degree of justification for the assertions that are presented for defense | |||||
Degree of consistency and regularity in preparation of the thesis | |||||
Student’s level of involvement in project work (including grants) | |||||
Student’s preparedness for professional work |
Student’s achievements*
Achievements |
Grade | |||
High | Above average | Average | Not assessed | |
Approbation of research findings1 | ||||
Publication of research findings2 | ||||
Level of personal involvement in approbation and publication | ||||
Integration of research findings |
Final assessment of the student’s performance throughout the development of their thesis
(excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory)
Conclusion:I believe that the present graduation thesis is/is not complete, and its author is
(underline as appropriate)
deserving/not deserving of being awarded a ______________________ degree.
(underline as appropriate) (Master’s, Engineer’s)**
Thesis supervisor
_____________ _____________________________________ __________ ___, 20__
(signature) (full name)
Review read and acknowledged
_____________ _____________________________________ __________ ___, 20__
(signature) (full name)
Received on __________ ___, 20__
Secretary of State Examination Board
_____________ ________________________________________
(signature) (full name)
** with the exception of subject areas 27.04.08 Intellectual Property Management (Master, Engineer-Patent Examiner), 38.05.02 Customs (Customs Specialist).
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