III. Speaking. 1) Задание для тех, кто претендует на оценку 4 и 5 в семестре. Запишите (или распечатайте и вклейте) текст. Переведите для себы неизвестные слова. Прочитайте его не менее 3 раз вслух, затем запишите свое чтение и вышлите аудиосообщением мне ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 III. Speaking. 1) Задание для тех, кто претендует на оценку 4 и 5 в семестре. Запишите (или распечатайте и вклейте) текст. Переведите для себы неизвестные слова. Прочитайте его не менее 3 раз вслух, затем запишите свое чтение и вышлите аудиосообщением мне в ВК. My College. My name is ... I’m sixteen years old. I live in Sevastopol. I graduated from my high school #... and entered Sevastopol Trade Economic College. It is one of the best colleges in the city. It trains students in different professions and trades. You can enter our college, graduate from it and became an expert on merchandise or a seller, an accountant, a cook and a specialist in tourist industry. Our college has day and correspondence departments, access course where hundreds of students study. The head-master is at the head of the college. She has four assistances to help her. There are more than 1 thousand students at our college. The teaching staff includes more than 40 teachers. The course of studies lasts two , three or four years. An academic year is divided into 2 terms, each ending in an examination session. Those who pass the exams successfully get a scholarship. The students study many subjects which are important for their future profession. Professional subjects vary from faculty to faculty but the general course is more or less the same. The students of the college can do any sport they like. The studies are equipped with up-to-date devices. The college has excellent facilities to train the students in different skills.