Группа: ТД9-10. I. Reading.. часть 1- https://yadi.sk/d/MrmUcFyQnKAHRQ. часть 2 - https://yadi.sk/d/5Ojny54w3HcY9Q. II. Vocabulary. 1) Выполните задания письменно в конспекте, основываясь на информации прочитанных частей 1 и 2.. Answer the questions.. AreГруппа: ТД9-10 Тема: The United Kingdom of GB and NI.Соединенное королевство Англии и Северной Ирландии. Цели: - познакомиться с лексикой по теме «The UK»; - развить навык работы с текстом (чтение, работа со словарем, пересказ/перефраз) I. Reading. 1) Сегодня мы читаем книгу Джона Эскота «Лондон», части 1 и 2, из которых узнаем краткую историю возникновения Лондона. Читаем текст вместе с диктором: часть 1- https://yadi.sk/d/MrmUcFyQnKAHRQ часть 2 - https://yadi.sk/d/5Ojny54w3HcY9Q
II. Vocabulary. 1) Выполните задания письменно в конспекте, основываясь на информации прочитанных частей 1 и 2. Answer the questions. 1. Who gave London its name? 2. What did Romans build when they come to England? 3. Do you know why did Romans leave Londinium? 4. Who began to build the Tower of London? 5. In 1665, 100.000 people died in London. Why? 6. In 1666, a lot of Londoners lost their homes. How? 7. Do you know how many people live in London now? Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the mistake. 1. Nobody knows who gave London its name. 2. The Romans came to London in AD 43. 3. No people lived there before Romans. 4. You can see remains of the Roman city wall today. 5. King Alfred got the Danes to leave London and his men built the town again. 6. King Alfred came to England from France to be King and later began to build the Tower of London. 7. When Henry the Eighth was king in 1509, a lot of people lived in London in old and dirty buildings. 8. In 1665, 100,000 people died from an illness called the plague. This was called the year of 'The Great Fire'. 9. In 1666, there was a big fire - The Fire of London. More than a quarter of a million Londoners lost their homes in the fire. 10. After the Fire of London people began to live in new houses, more comfortable and nice. 11. A new St Paul's Cathedral was built in 1675. 12. Today, more than six million people live in London.
Complete these sentences with the information from the book. 1. Londinium was … 2. The first bridge in Londinium was built by … 3. The Great Plague was … 4. The Great Fire of London was … 5. Pudding Lane was … 6. The Tower of London was built by … II. Speaking. 3) Задание для тех, кто претендует на оценку 4 и 5. Прочитайте первую часть текста вслух за диктором, потренируйтесь, запишите свою речь и вышлите аудиосообщением в ЛС.