| Answer
| Ты помнишь, как все начиналось
| В самом начале было вот так:
| If you eat my chocolate, I’ll sort you out
| I want you to listen to me. Got it?
| Barankin, why have you done this? Barankin, be a human!
| Aha! That’s the very Barankin everyone complains at!
| In autumn it gets cold, trees and bushes get yellow.
| The weather was warm enough to play football.
| You had enough time to think on your behavior.
| You have no methods against Kostya Saprykin!
| How beautiful this world is! Look!
| Our Jeannette always liked very much to be paid attention to.
| How much I love you! How afraid I am!
| Loving you is a difficult work, but someone has to do it.
| Countess, it remains to wish you all the best!
| She was silent, but deep in soul agreed with him.
| Daddy, Mommy, this is the girl I told you so much about!
| I’ve lost my i-phone! I knew, I knew it would happen!
| When should I have my lunch? I have no time at all.
| I seemed to see it at home, on the table.
| Mother-in-law wanted me to paint the fence in green.
| Father-in-law wanted to be respected!
| I’ve thought and decided not to punish you. You are free!
| I’ve been reported.
| Если ты не горишь энтузиазмом, ты будешь уволен с энтузиазмом.
| This is the thing I dream about!
| Have you ever worked as an air gymnast? Have or haven’t? What does it mean “I will try?”
| Prices grow, salaries fall. What should I hope for?
| With this cup of coffee I’ve been sitting all the morning.
| Get behind
Catch up
Keep up
| Ты не должен быть великим, чтобы начать. Но ты должен начать, чтобы быть великим.
| Все женщины становятся как их матери. И в этом их трагедия. Ни один мужчина так не делает. И в этом его трагедия.
| What did I have to say you about your prices, Ma’am?
| Everyone is free. But you, Stirlitz, I will ask to stay.
| It seems to me, you are an English spy, Stirlitz. – I was and remain a soviet person, Gruppenfuhrer.
| Investing to this bank is a bi-i-ig mistake. If I were you I would think well at first.
| Yes… Before doing that I should have asked an advice from Granny.
| Mr Charles, tell us please about your music. – Speaking about music is the same as dancing about architecture.
| Living on Manhattan is my dream!
| Getting from Brighton to Manhattan on subway takes not less than an hour.
| Buying such an apartment in NYC costs serious money.
| If I only had a dog…
| …I would buy a house.
| Knowing is not enough, it needs to be used. Wanting is not enough, it needs to be done.
| To get much, you have to lose everything.
| Having eaten the porridge is my condition!
| I couldn’t think you would be able to achieve this!
| While you envy my victories, I achieve new ones!
| Те, кто достаточно безумен, чтобы думать, что они могут изменить мир – это те, которые его меняют.
| The harder you work the more you get.
| Делай сегодня что-то такое, за что ты сам в будущем будешь себя благодарить
| Winning is difficult. But it’s worth it.