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Dictionary. Nanotechnology


1. acquaint – знакомить

2. from the perspective – с точки зрения

3. accessory equipment – вспомогательное/дополнительное оборудование

4. engineering background – инженерное образование

5. As contrasted with – в отличие от

6. voltage – напряжение

7. quantitу -количество/величина

8. measurement – измерение

9. continuously – непрерывно

10. Hence – следовательно

11. application – приложение

12. deal with – иметь дело с

13. count – считать/вычислять что-л.

14. on-going processes – текущие процессы

15. will continue to – будет продолжать


Nanotechnology is highly interdisciplinary, involving physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, and the full range of the engineering disciplines. The word nanotechnology is widely used as shorthand to refer to both the science and the technology of this emerging field. Narrowly defined, nanoscience concerns a basic understanding of physical, chemical, and biological properties on atomic and near-atomic scales. Nanotechnology, narrowly defined, employs controlled manipulation of these properties to create materials and functional systems with unique capabilities.

In contrast to recent engineering efforts, nature developed “nanotechnologies” over billions of years, employing enzymes and catalysts to organize with exquisite precision different kinds of atoms and molecules into complex microscopic structures that make life possible. These natural products are built with great efficiency and have impressive capabilities, such as the power to harvest solar energy, to convert minerals and water into living cells, to store and process massive amounts of data using large arrays of nerve cells, and to replicate perfectly billions of bits of information stored in molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

There are two principal reasons for qualitative differences in material behaviour at the nanoscale (traditionally defined as less than 100 nanometres). First, quantum mechanical effects come into play at very small dimensions and lead to new physics and chemistry. Second, a defining feature at the nanoscale is the very large surface-to-volume ratio of these structures. This means that no atom is very far from a surface or boundary, and the behaviour of atoms at these higher-energy sites have a significant influence on the properties of the material. For example, the reactivity of a metal catalyst particle generally increases appreciably as its size is reduced—macroscopic gold is chemically inert, whereas at nanoscales gold becomes extremely reactive and catalytic and even melts at a lower temperature. Thus, at nanoscale dimensions material properties depend on and change with size, as well as composition and structure.

Using the processes of nanotechnology, basic industrial production may veer dramatically from the course followed by steel plants and chemical factories of the past. Raw materials will come from the atoms of abundant elements—carbon, hydrogen, and silicon—and these will be manipulated into precise configurations to create nanostructured materials that exhibit exactly the right properties for each particular application.


1. highly interdisciplinary – в высшей степени междисциплинарный

2. the full range – весь спектр

3. used as shorthand – используется в качестве сокращения

4. emerging field – развиващаяся область

5. Narrowly defined – в узком смыле

6. concerns – касаться/относиться

7. employ – использовать

8. property – свойство

9. enzymes and catalysts – ферменты и катализаторы

10. exquisite precision – исключительная точность

11. great efficiency – большая эффективность

12. power to harvest – способность собирать что-л

13. living cells – живые клетки

14. massive amounts of data – огромные объемы данных

15. large arrays of nerve cells - большие массивы нервных клеток

16. replicate – копировать/воспроизводить

17. qualitative differences – качественные различия

18. nanoscale – наноуровень

19. defined as – определяемый как

20. defining feature – определяющая особенность

21. is far from – находиться далеко от

22. boundary – граница раздела

23. have a significant influence – оказывать значительное влияние

24. reactivity – реакционная способность

25. metal catalyst particle – металлическая частица катализатора

26. appreciably – заметно/существенно

27. size is reduced – уменьшение размера

28. whereas – тогда как

29. melt - плавить

30. dimensions – размеры

31. composition – состав

32. veer dramatically – резко отклониться

33. Raw materials – сырьевые материалы

34. into precise configurations – в точных конфигурациях

35. particular application. – конкретное применение


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