Task 1.10 points. Statements 1 through 10 : on your answer sheet circle T if the statement is right, F in case the fact is wrong.. Task 2.10 pointsTask 1.10 points Statements 1 through 10 : on your answer sheet circle T if the statement is right, F in case the fact is wrong. 1. During difficult times, people believe less strongly in paranormal events. T/F 2. Loss of control is one of the reasons people believe in paranormal events. T/F 3. The study referenced in the text was published in the journal Paranormal Events. T/F 4. Researcher Bruce Hood tries to explore the mental processes behind belief in the paranormal. T/F 5. The article references stock market traders clutching fox feet for good luck. T/F 6. Ghosts offer some people comfort that benevolent beings are watching over them. T/F 7. Michael Shermer authored his book in 1996. T/F 8. The inability to think scientifically is rare. T/F 9. We are more rational than we are irrational. T/F 10. According to the text, humans do not need to find meaning or purpose in life. T/F Task 2.10 points Statements 11 through 20 :Choose and circle the best item ACCORDING TO THE TEXT: 11. Which of the following words is a synonym for paranormal? A. supernatural B. comprehensible C. irrational D. unclear 12. Times of economic distress are marked by an increase in… A. financial security. B. organization. C. astrology. D. none of the above. 13. People who have felt a loss of control in their lives tend to… A. see more patterns in random noise. B. perceive more conspiracies in stories. C. imagine odd connections in financial markets. D. All of the above. 14. Researcher Bruce Hood's upcoming book is called… A. Medium. B. "Why People Believe Weird Things." C. Fringe. D. Supersense: Why We Believe in the Unbelievable. 15. Which of the following are described as benign beings? A. ghosts B. demons C. angels D. aliens 16. Which of the following words is an antonym for susceptible? A. naive B. resistant C. persuadable D. moveable 17. Television psychics are rivaling reality TV stars for all of the following EXCEPT: A. screen time B. power C. accountability D. popularity 18. The author most likely thinks the supernatural is… A. irrelevant in today's world. B. an important part of a society. C. a psychological response to unsettling times. D. a conspiracy theory. 19. The reading described all of the following EXCEPT: A. belief in the paranormal B. TV shows about the paranormal C. a connection between times of economic distress and the paranormal D. alien abductions 20. The main idea of this text is… A. angels and ghosts have not been confirmed as existent phenomena. B. economic distress leads to increased acceptance for supernatural occurrences. C. many people seek other sources of mystery and wonder in the world. D. All of the above.