Список литературы. References. Title of the report. Abstract. Keywords ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Список литературы
References 1. Literature 2. Literature 3. …
An example of thesis № 2 for section 9 "Submission of scientific articles in English"
Title of the report I.R. Andreev 1, A.I. Galeeva 2, R.F. Galiakberov 2 1- K(P)FU, Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies 2- Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) Scientific Supervisor: Dr. Petrov Petr Sergeevich E-mail: petrov@yandex.ru
Abstract An experimental verification of …
Keywords Modeling, …
This paragraph begins the main part of your thesis, you must provide links to sources [1,2]. Also, your thesis may contain figures, tables and formulas (Figure 1). The numbering of figures, tables and formulas should be sequential, according to their appearance in the text. Check that all figures and tables are cited in the text. A short caption is required for each figure and table. Correctly fill out the link to the table (table 1). Correctly format the references to the formula (1). Before you start making a thesis, carefully read the requirements for its design.
This is the beginning of the second subchapter of your thesis, use these paragraphs as an example of correct formatting.
Figure 1 - An example of the design of the picture.
Table 1 - An example of table design.
Continuation of table 1 (if the table has moved to another page)
где Q — volumetric fluid flow rate (m3 / s). (Formula example)
References 1. Literature (More on how to do transliteration: *CLICK*) 2. Literature 3. …