Вставьте слова в предложения.. Выберите правильный предлог.. Употребите Present Perfect или Past Simple.. Найдите в тексте 5 ошибок. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 6. Вставьте слова в предложения. a) interview 1. At … Technology students learn how to use computers. b) Palace 2. Do you wear a … at school? c) bridge 3. You have an interesting social … . d) Information 4. Linda Silvester is giving an … to a youth magazine. e) programme 5. A … is the main city in a country. f) uniform 6. Who lives in Buckingham … ? g) capital
1 . Выберите правильный предлог. 1. They invited us … London (at/to/in). 2. Who takes care … your pet (about/for/of)? 3. Will you go abroad …October (at/in/on)? 4. My best pen-friend is … Britain (from/out of/in). 5. We arrived at the station … time (in/from/at).
2. Употребите Present Perfect или Past Simple.
3. Вставьте last night, ever, just, yet, always в нужном месте:
4. Найдите в тексте 5 ошибок. Summer is my favourite time of the year because it are vacation time. Last summer I go to my granny in Russia. We also go to Moscow. I loved staying in hotels. There is swimming pools there and I is very happy.