УИН 32225032200100282003Исполнительноепроизводство№ 100282/20/25032-ИП ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 УИН 32225032200100282003Исполнительноепроизводство№ 100282/20/25032-ИП From whom: Soviet Man, with her own name Angelina The Daughter of Mamicon from the glorious ROD Mkhitaryan Address: USSR/RFSR Primorsky toChuguyevsky district of Samark, U. Kubanskaya 14 Phone: 8 902 483 60 78Address:mhitaryanangelinka@yandex.ru to the U.S. Department of Taxation, THE FREE of tax payers from the leftto the U.S. Treasury, on the Primorsky region Chuguyevsky district: (not complete) who organized the genocide of the Soviet people in the Soviet Union. I do not have a Сontractabout charitable contributions with the offices recorded below, and yet I receive receipts and demands to pay for utilities, steal from the pension, without my consent, money. 1.Administration of Chuguyev District (MoD) Address Primorsky District Chuguyevsky District of Chuguyevka Street 50 years October 193. INN 25340000040, OCVED 84.11.3 Local government activities in the management of general issues. Information about a person who has the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of a legal entity: DEMENEV ROMAN JURILICH, INN 253402472158 (According to the specified criteria of searching for data is not found.). ccording to the Charter of the MoD, we must live like a Paradise, but in reality it is the other way around. For debts on utilities, the head of the ISU of the Ministry of Defense of Chuguyev district DEMENYOV ROMAN YURINICH filed a lawsuit for eviction from the only housing. The judge of the district court of ChuguyevkaSopko G.V ruled on the eviction of Tatiana GeorgievnaDudareva and her son for a debt of 39,000 BBR. And there are thousands of such court decisions for public utility debts in the country!
2.Arsenyev branch of DEK "Dalenergossit" INN 2723088770, p/h 4070281065004000991, in the Far East Bank sberbank of Russia BIC 040813608, Facial Information, having the right without a power of attorney to act on behalf of a legal entity: "ENERGOSBYT"COMPANY address: Primorsky region of Vladivostok u.Tiger 19 Information about the holder of the register of shareholders of the company: "THE COMPANY"STATUS"INN 7707179242 Information about a person who has the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of a legal entity: MIRONOVA LIDMILA MIHAILOVNA, INN 504303173300(According to the specified criteria of searching for data is not found.) Address of the legal entity Moscow Street Novokhlovskaya d.23 Building 1, room 1
3."World Court" magistrate's judge CORNIEVSKA EVGENIA VALERYN NO96INN: 2536123167 - Sterling LLC (?) creation of a legal entity 01.07.2002.cease of operations 21.07.2007 (according to FH 129 p.21.1 p.2 "The legal entity, which in the last twelve months prior to the registration authority's decision did not submit records, and on taxes and fees, and did not carry out transactions on at least one bank account is recognized as having actually ceased its activities. Such a legal entity may be removed from the single state registry of legal entities in accordance with this Federal Law.")
4.OSP in Chuguyev district of Chuguyevka Street 50 years Of October d.193a INN 2540108500, Facial Information, having the right without a power of attorney to act on behalf of a legal entity: PROTOPOPOVA ELEANOR BORISOVNA INN 650106225098(According to the specified criteria of searching for data is not found.) Information about the founders of the legal entity: Russian Federation INN 7709576929 Director of the Federal Bailiff Service-Chief Bailiff of the Russian Federation ARISTOV DMITRIY ININ 2724252589207 (By No data search criteria have been found.) Recipient Bank: GRKC GU Of the Bank of Russia BIC 040507001 p/h No 4030281000001000002, requirement to pay a fine of 643 (OKV)WIN 3222503220010282003 Executive production No 100282/200320/25032-PI Angelina the Daughter of Mamicon from the glorious ROD Mkhitaryan