So I made another drawing.. He looked at it carefully, then he said: No. This sheep is already very sickly. Make me another.. So I made another drawing.. My friend smiled gently and indulgently (мой друг улыбнулся мягко и неопределённо). "So I made another drawing. 3. He looked at it carefully, then he said: "No. This sheep is already very sickly. Make me another." So I made another drawing. 4. My friend smiled gently and indulgently (мой друг улыбнулся мягко и неопределённо). "You see yourself, (ты видишь сам)" he said, "that this is not a sheep. This is a ram (баран). It has horns (у него рога)." So then I did my drawing over once more (ещё раз). 4. My friend smiled gently and indulgently. "You see yourself," he said, "that this is not a sheep. This is a ram. It has horns." So then I did my drawing over once more. 4. But it was rejected (отвергнут) too, just like the others (точно так же, как и другие). "This one is too old (этот слишком стар). I want a sheep that will live a long time (будет жить долгое время)." By this time (на этот раз: досл. тем временем) my patience was exhausted (моё терпение истощилось), because I was in a hurry (спешил: досл. был в спешке) to start taking my engine apart (демонтировать двигатель). So I tossed off («toss» – «подбрасывать») this drawing. And I threw out an explanation with it (и выбросил объяснение с ним). "This is only his box (только его коробка). The sheep you asked for is inside (ягнёнок, о котором ты просил, внутри: «to ask for» – «просить о чем-либо»)." 4. But it was rejected too, just like the others. "This one is too old. I want a sheep that will live a long time."