Задание 5. Решите 5 тестов (только один вариант ответа верный). ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Задание 5. Решите 5 тестов (только один вариант ответа верный). 1. Where _____ you _____ on holiday last year? A) did / went 2. A: _____ you _____ Jane last month? B: No, I _____ . A) * / saw / didn’t 3. A: _____ did she _____ a job? B: In the car factory. A) When / get 4. Max didn’t _____ yesterday afternoon; he _____ at home. A) go out / stayed 5. A: Where _____ you last week? B: I _____ in Alabama. A) were / were
Задание 6. Проверка знания правил образования и употребления Future Simple. 1. При помощи какого/каких вспомогательных глаголов образуется время Future Simple? 2. Объясните разницу между временем Future Simple и конструкцией to be going to. Задание 2. Закончите предложения, используя I'll + подходящий по смыслу глагол. Образец: I'm too tired to walk home. I think I’ll get a taxi. 1. I feel a bit hungry. I think … something to eat. 2. It's too late to telephone Tom now … him in the morning. 3. 'It's a bit cold in this room.' - 'Is it? … on the heating then.' 4. 'We haven't got any cigarettes.' - 'Oh, haven't we? … and get some.' 5. 'Did you write that letter to Jack?' - 'Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me. … it this evening.' 6. 'Would you like tea or coffee?' '… coffee, please.' Задание 7. Соедините части предложения из правой и левой колонок таблицы. Will you shut English lessons twice a week. He will return tell Tom what you said. I promise. They will take to Moscow in a few days Will you please the door, please? I won’t be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate. Задание 8. Поставьте C (Correct) напротив предложений, которые составлены верно, и W (Wrong) – напротив предложений, которые составлены неверно. 1. This time next year I will am in Japan. 2. When you will know your examination results? 3. Do you think will we win the match? 4. That bag looks heavy. I’ll help you with it. 5. I will going to travel round the world. Задание 9. Решите 5 тестов (только 1 ответ верный). 1. “Why have you got so much food?” “Because I _____ a meal for two people.” A) cook B) am going to cook C) will cook D) had cook 2. “My car isn’t working.” “Ask Joe to look at it. He _____ you.” A) will help B) helps C) is going to help D) helped 3. “I passed my driving test!” “That’s great! I _____ some champagne to celebrate!” A) am going to buy B) will buy C) bought D) am buying 4. “Why have you got your old clothes on?” “Because I _____ the grass.’ A) had cut B) cutted C) am going to cut D) cut 5. Mark ___ into the army next year. A) was going B) goes C) will go D) will be go