Заполните пропуски)
(Заполните пропуски)
1. My favourite _______________is Maths.
2. The _____________case is orange.
3. My English class is on ___________,_________and on Friday.
4. We like to do experiments on ____________lesson.
5. Let’s play football at the _____________.
4. Complete with a/an
(Вставьте нужный артикль)
1) ____ atlas 6) _____ black cat
2) ____ orange book 7) _____ elephant
3) ____ pencil sharpener 8) _____ notepad
4) ____ big banana 9) _____ pink eraser
5) ____ apple 10) _____ ruler
5. Read the text. Choose the correct answer. (Прочитайте текст, выберите правильный ответ) Hi Henry! How are you? My name is Chris and I’m ten years old. I go to Green School. My favourite subject is PE. I also like History and English. I have a lunch break from 12:30 to 1:30 every day. My favourite day at school is Friday. I have History, English and PE on this day. Well, that’s about it. Please write soon and tell me about your school. Bye for now. Chris.
1. Chris is 9/10 years old. 2) Chris goes to Yellow/Green School. 3) His favourite subject is Information Technology/Physical Education. 4) He likes Science and Maths/English and History too. 5) Chris starts lunch at 12:30/1:30. 6) His favourite day at school is Friday/Thursday. 7) He asks Henry to tell him about his family/school.