Группа БрОП- 312. Занятие 11. Тема занятия: Современные железные дороги стран изучаемого языка. Сложноподчиненные предложения.. The London UndergroundГруппа БрОП- 312 Занятие 11 Дата: 13.11.2021 Тема занятия: Современные железные дороги стран изучаемого языка. Сложноподчиненные предложения. Задание 1.Прочитатйте и переведите текст устно: The London Underground The Blitz [΄blits] - молниеносная война, блицкриг air-raid shelter [΄εәreid ΄∫eltә ] – бомбоубежище %, per cent [ pә΄sent ] electronic smartcard [΄sma:t‚ka:d ] - электронная смарт карта (с микропроцессором) Oyster [΄כistә ] – Ойстер overcrowded [‚әuvә΄kraudәd ] - переполненный
I. Opening of the London Underground happened on the 10th of January 1863. It is an oldest underground railway system in the world. 40,000 passengers were carried that day, with trains running every ten minutes on standard-gauge 1.435 m. The early underground had some shortcomings. Tunnels were dug using cut-and-cover construction method. So the tunnels weren’t deep and many houses were demolished during tunneling. The first trains were on steam traction, which required effective ventilation. First locomotives were charged with steam on each station, because they hadn’t fire-boxes. A change for the better started with invention of electric traction. It allowed using electric locomotives and tunnelling shields. The first electrically operated line opened in 1890. Now the London Underground uses a four-rail system. The combination of third and fourth on-top rails provides a traction voltage of 630 V DC.
II. Now the Underground has two sections: deep-level (the Tube) and sub-surface. The nickname “Tube” comes from cylindrical shape tunnels. But about 55% of the network is above ground, for example the Docklands Light Railway (DLR). The trains of DLR are computer-controlled and normally have no driver. The underground has its own problems. In July 2005 it was attacked by terrorists, 52 people were killed. Another problem is flooding, and the Thames Barrier helps to prevent floods. And at last the Underground is very overcrowded. It does not run 24 hours a day, because all track maintenance must be done at night, after the system closes. It runs from five o’clock in the morning until one o’clock at night. Now the total length of the London Underground is more than 408 km. On the map of the Tube you can see 12 lines and 275 stations. Daily ridership of the Tube is 3 million people and billion passengers a year. The metro system uses a paper tickets, Travelcards and electronic smartcards (Oyster card). One journey costs 3-4£ (pounds). The London Underground has modern interior and “clever” trains; it is a very safe transport system with just one fatal accident for every 300 million
NOTES shortcoming – недостаток fire-box – топка to interrupt – прервать
Задание 2. Выполните задание False or true? Correct the mistakes. 1. 55,000 passengers were carried in the London Undergroundon the 10th of January 1863. 2. The London Undergroundon has broad-gauge 1524 mm. 3. First locomotives hadn’t fire-boxes. 4. Now the London Underground uses a third-rail system. 5. The Docklands Light Railway is deep-level.