Грамматические упражнения
Text X.
Wholesaling and Retailing.
Wholesaling is a part of marketing system. It's a system of channels of distribution for goods delivery to the market. Usually this system is not direct. It includes merchant wholesalers, wholesaling middlemen, and middlemen. As a rule, wholesaling is a small business sphere of creation. Merchant wholesalers falicitate the saling process, as working with constant merchant wholesalers, it's unnecessary for the shop owner to keep large warehouses with a wide assortment of goods. They action through their offices of wholesale units. Retailing - is a saling of goods and Services to ultimate customer. It performs a lot of important functions. First of all, these functions make the suitable outlets for a customer. Then, they help to promote the goods to the market. They can partly finance the customer through the system of extending credits and discounts. There are different sorts and types of retailing shops: department stores, discount houses, cooperatives, single line retailers.
№1 Грамматические упражнения
Упр.1 Выпишите из текста 2-3 предложения, сказуемые которых стоят в настоящем времени (Present Simple), Зл., ед.ч. Подчеркните сказуемое и переведите предложение на русский язык.
Упр.2 Переведите подчеркнутые слова и сочетания слов на русский язык.
Упр.З Выпишите из текста 2 предложения, в которых глагол употреблен в инфинитивной форме. Подчеркните неличную форму глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Упр.4 Переведите текст письменно. №II Фонетические упражнения
Упр.5 Выпишите из текста 2-3 слова, в которых: а) буква "д" читается как [д]; б) буква "а" читается как [ei]. Объяснтите правила чтения.
Упр.6. Прочтите текст вслух.