


Случайная статья

ВАРИАНТ № IV.. Text IV.. I. Грамматические упражнения


Text IV.

The Spirit of an Organization


       Two sayings sum up the "spirit of an organization".

 One is the inscription on Andrew Carnegie's tombstone:

       Here lies a man.

       Who knew how to enlist.                            '                         • ' .

       In his service.

       Better man than himself.

       The other is the slogan of the drive to find jobs

for the physically handicapped: "It's the abilities, not the disabilities, that count".

       Management by objective tells a manager what he ought to do. The proper organization of his job enables him to do it. But it is the spirit of the organization that determines whether he will do it. It is the spirit that motivates, that calls upon a man's reserves of dedication and effort, that decides whether he will give his best or do just enough to get by.

       In is the purpose of an organization to "make common men do uncommon things" - this phrasing is Lord Beveridge's. No organization can depend on genus; the supply is always scarce and always unpredictable. But it is the test of an organization that it make ordinary human being perform better than they are capable of, that it bring out whatever strength there is in its members, and use it to make all other all other members perform more and better, it's the test of an organization that it neutralize the weaknesses of its member.


I. Грамматические упражнения


Упр.1. Выпишите из текста 3-4 предложения, которые начинаются с безличного местоимения "it". Переведите предложения на русский язык.


Упр.2.  Выпишите из текста по 2 предложения, глаголы в которых стоят в настоящем (Present Simple), и в будущем (Future Simple) времени; подчеркните сказуемое


Упр.З.   Выпишите из текста 5-6 конструкций с предлогом «of», переведите их на русский язык. Например: the spirit of organization -дух организации.


Упр.4. Переведите текст на русский язык письменно.

II. Фонетические упражнения


Упр.5. Выпишите из текста 2-3 слова, в которых:


       а) буква «I» читается как [i] и как [ai];


       б) буква «S» читается как [s] и как [z].


       Объясните правила чтения.


Упр.6. Прочитайте текст вслух.


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