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1. Throughout her lifetime an average woman spends half of a year deciding what to wear. 2. A simple T-shirt from crop to shop takes 2700 liters of water or 34 bath tubs. 3. Fashion industry is the first largest in terms of its economic intensity of trade, it is worth 3 trillion dollars, it employs 57 million workers from around the world and in developing countries 70 % of them are women. 4. Clothes may diagnose diseases like cancer. 5. Clothes may purify air. 6. Clothes may teach people how to fly. 2. Watch and listen to the lecture “Don’t Tell me Fashion is Frivolous” by professor Frances Corner, the Head of London College of Fashion. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjLBbWbBTPc]. As you listen, find equivalents to the following words and expressions: 1. наряд 2. быть (не) слишком нарядно одетым 3. производить ткань 4. выращивать лен, коноплю 5. работник швейной промышленности 6. выгодная покупка/сделка 7. последствия, результат 8. быть по фигуре 9. волокна
2.1 Frances Corner pays special attention to alternative usage of clothes other than just hide people’s nakedness. Recollect all the examples she provides. Make your own research and find interesting information about modern technologies employed to meet the needs of modern consumers.