


Случайная статья

Date of birth. Preceding Education Document. Chelyabinsk. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Chelyabinsk State University. Enrolled in. Graduated in. Standard period of full-time intramural studies. Field of st


Full Name

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich




Date of birth

January 01, 1900




Preceding Education Document


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Chelyabinsk State University"


Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education

issued in 1900


Entrance examinations          passed


Enrolled in


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher

Education "Chelyabinsk State University" in 1900


Graduated in




Educational Services Provider License No. 2283 issued July 21, 2016




Standard period of full-time intramural studies

4 years




State Accreditation Certificate

No. 2218 issued September 02, 2016


Field of study / Major

Translation and Translation Studies





Specialization / program









Course Papers:


1.Methods and peculiarities of humor translation, excellent


not accomplished


(registration number)


(date of issue)


Practical training:



Work Experience Internship, 2 weeks, excellent

not done







Final State Examinations:


not passed

Graduation Paper:


not accomplished

<Official seal:

 The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Chelyabinsk State University”; FSBEI HE "CSU" * PSRN 1027402324905; TIN 7447012841>

Continued overleaf


The student has passed credits and exams within the period of study in the following subjects:

Subjects ECTS credits Academic hours Final mark
1st Foreign Language (European) Excellent
Modern International Relations 1991-2010 Satisfactory
World (Synchronic) History Excellent
Philosophy Passed
History of Russia (national history) Good
Political Studies and Theory Passed
World Economics Passed
Russian and Foreign State Law Satisfactory
Computer Science and Databases Passed
Basic Calculus (for International Relation students) Passed
2nd Foreign Language (Oriental) Excellent
Health and Safety Passed
History of International Relations 1900-1991 Excellent
Rhetoric and Speech Culture Passed
History of Political Studies Satisfactory
Introduction to Linguistics Excellent
2nd Foreign Language for Professional Activities (Oriental) Excellent
Political and Economic Geography of Oriental Countries Passed
History of Oriental Countries Excellent
Concepts of the Modern Natural Science Passed
Motorial Recreation and Tourism Passed
Physical Education Passed


*In 2016, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Chelyabinsk State University” was renamed into Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Chelyabinsk State University”.


Issued upon request


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