Ivan Tupika. School 30. Read the text.. A MISTAKE.. I. Right or wrong.. II. Answer the questions.. III. Complete the sentences.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
02.11.2021 8 класс Тема: Домашнее чтение. Контроль навыков чтения Ув. обучающиеся! В данном уроке вам необходимо прочитать текст и выполнить задания на отдельном двойном листочке, подписав титульный лист по образцу: Test Ivan Tupika Form 8 School 30 Read the text.
A MISTAKE. Mark Twain was very fond of traveling. He did a lot of traveling and never got tired of it. Once he was traveling in France by train. He was going to visit a small town near Paris. The previous day was very hard, Mark Twain was very tired and sleepy. He was afraid he would miss the town and asked the guard to wake him up before they got to the town. Soon he fell asleep. When he woke up, the train was in Paris. Mark Twain looked at his watch. It was half past nine. He got very angry. He couldn’t understand why the guard had not woken him up in time. He went out of the compartment, came up to the guard and asked him why he had not woken him up. The latter looked at Mark Twain for a moment and then told him: “You may be very angry with me, but not so angry as the American whom I put off the train instead of you.”
Be fond of– нравиться,to miss –пропускать, instead of –вместо, to put off –ссадить, compartment –купе
I. Right or wrong. 1. Mark Twain was very fond of music. 2. He was going to visit a small town near London. 3. The guard woke Mark Twain up at his station. 4. Mark Twain was angry. 5. The American was put off the train instead of Mark Twain.
II. Answer the questions.
1. Was Mark Twain very fond of traveling? __________________________________________________________________ 2. What town was he going to visit? __________________________________________________________________ 3. Mark Twain was very tired and sleepy, wasn’t he? __________________________________________________________________
III. Complete the sentences.
1. Mark Twain was traveling in France by __________________________________________________________________. 2. Mark Twain couldn’t understand why the guard __________________________________________________________________. 3. When he woke up, __________________________________________________________________.