Тема: Классическое чтение.. Wednesday, the third of November.. Classwork. A classic read. Даю текст для чтения и перевода, на вопросы внизу необходимо ответить письменно полными предложениями.Тема: Классическое чтение. В тетради записываем дату Wednesday, the third of November. Classwork A classic read 1. Даю текст для чтения и перевода, на вопросы внизу необходимо ответить письменно полными предложениями.
Тhe first English printer William Caxton.
William Caxton is the first English printer. He was born in Kent in 1422. His father was a farmer. William did not want to be a farmer. So his father sent him to London. He worked in an office which traded with different countries. William liked to read books which were printed in Europe. When William was thirty he started his own business in Belgium. In 1471 he left his business and began to translate French books into English. He became interested in printing and at last he learnt it. William wanted to have his own press one day and he did. In 1476 he brought his printing-press to London. Printing was something new at that time and most people thought that it was the work of the devil. Some of the people wanted to break the press. Caxton printed his first book in 1477. It was the first book printed in the English language. The book was Caxton's translation of the French "Tales of Troy". William Caxton printed about 80 books. He translated thirty-one books from French. Caxton died in 1491.
Now complete the sentences: Caxton was 1. well-known writer; 2. the first English printer; 3. a famous English poet. His father was 1. a farmer 2. a lawyer; 3. a merchant. Caxton's father sent him to 1. Paris; 2. Moscow; 3. London. Caxton worked at 1. hospital; 2. an office; 3. a bookshop. Caxton translated French books into 1. German; 2. Russian; 3. English. Caxton printed his first book in 1. 1577; 2. 1477; 3. 1677. The first printed book in the English language was 1. "Tales of Troy"; 2. "Lane Eyre"; 3. "Hamlet" Caxton printed 1. more than a hundred books; 2. about 50 books; 3. about 80 books.