Перефразирование + альтернативное мнениеПерефразирование + альтернативное мнение Использование синонимов difficult - hard, антонимов difficult - easy, фразовых глаголов взамен смысловых (tolerate – put up with), однокоренных слов (by accident – accidently), изменение залога (should let – should be allowed), использование неличных форм глагола взамен личных (инфинитив, герундий) ( to work – working), безличных конструкций (sport is believed/considered/supposed to be, seems to be), модальных глаголов (possible – can), дефиниций/ толкований (escape – get free from), словосочетаний взамен слов (decide – make a decision), добавления отрицания (legal – not illegal) Some people consider that thereis there is no better way to study than to study online from home while others are against learning distantly/ stand for/prefer the traditional form of learning. Тезис автора + аргумент автора + довод + микровывод (личный пример, общеизвестный факт) In my opinion, distance learning is an excellent option for students because it certainly has a lot of advantages. First of all, distant education offers different types of learning from entirely online courses to combined with traditional ones. Thus, to get a quality education is available for a great number of people. Secondly, learning distantly has a high degree of accessibility and flexibility as students are less bound by time and location. So students can learn at their own pace from anywhere and any time which allows them to work full – time or spend more time with the family. Тезис оппонента+ аргумент оппонента + довод оппонента However, some people claim that distant learning is worse than traditional education. They say that the quality of distant learning is really poor because when students are at home, they are not much concentrated on studying as home routines can distract them from studying.